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Authors :
Pevcin, Primož
Publication Year :


Celovita analiza poslovanja je za podjetje zelo pomembna, saj z njeno pomočjo ugotovimo, koliko je bilo podjetje v nekem obdobju uspešno oziroma ali je bilo uspešno in kaj je mogoče izboljšati, če ni bilo uspešno. Zelo pomembni za uspešno delovanje podjetja so vsi zaposleni, za katere lahko rečemo, da so ključni dejavnik. Na podlagi rezultatov analize poslovanja lahko vodstvo ustvarja nove ideje, nove cilje ter najbolje nadgradi vsako leto, ki je analizirano. V diplomskem delu sem analiziral poslovanje podjetja v letih 2014, 2015, 2016 in 2017. Za potrebe določenih izračunov sem uporabil še nekaj podatkov iz leta 2013. Za primerjavo sem izbral regionalnega operaterja, in sicer Hrvaško pošto, da sem si lažje predstavljal rezultate in jih nato tudi primerjal. Cilje sem dosegel z uporabo metode proučitve domače in tuje literature s področja analize poslovanja, osnov računovodstva, trajnostne naravnanosti in ekonomike poslovanja ter s proučitvijo letnih poročil Pošte Slovenije in Hrvaške pošte. Na podlagi končnih rezultatov sem ugotovil, da podjetje nima težav s plačilno sposobnostjo, je finančno stabilno, ima konstantno dobičkonosnost, ki sicer iz leta v leto niha, deluje ekonomično in donosno ter ima precej visoko produktivnost dela. Ugotovil sem, da je podjetje zelo trajnostno naravnano oziroma naredi veliko za trajnostni razvoj na vseh področjih, še najbolj na področju varovanja okolja z vedno večjim številom električnih prevoznih sredstev. Z izvedeno analizo sem potrdil vse postavljene hipoteze. Podjetje se z regionalnim operaterjem (Hrvaška pošta) lahko primerja v vseh pogledih. Hrvaška pošta ima sicer višje kazalnike uspešnosti, razen produktivnosti. Višje vrednosti pri donosnosti in ekonomičnosti so predvsem zaradi nižjih stroškov dela, verjetno zaradi cenejše delovne sile kot pri nas. Produktivnost je pri slovenski Pošti višja, čeprav ima za tretjino manj zaposlenih. The overall analysis of the operation of a company is very important because it can help us to establish how successful the company was in a certain period and what can be improved were it unsuccessful. A very important element for the successful operation of the company is all its employees it can be said that they are the key factor. Based on the results of the business analysis, the management will be able to create new ideas, new goals, and upgrade each analysed year as best as possible. The company's business operations were analysed for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. For the purposes of specific calculations, some of the data from 2013 was also used. For the comparison, a regional operator (Croatian Post) was chosen for an easier interpretation and comparison of the results. The goals were achieved by using the method of studying domestic and foreign literature in the field of business analysis, the basics of accounting, sustainability and business economics, as well as by examining the annual reports of the Post of Slovenia and the Croatian Post. Based on the final results, it has been established that the company has no solvency problems, constantly generates profit, but which fluctuates every year, and has a high work productivity. It has been determined that the company is very sustainable or that it works towards sustainable development in all areas, most of all in the area of environmental protection by increasing its number of electric vehicles. The company can be compared with the regional operator (Croatian Post) in all aspects. The Croatian Post has higher values of performance indicators, except for productivity. The higher values of performance indicators are the result of lower labour costs, mainly due to a cheaper labour force. Productivity is higher at the Post of Slovenia, even though it has one-third fewer employees.


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