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Vpliv sonaravnih ukrepov za zmanjšanje erozijske nevarnosti na poplavnih območjih

Authors :
Mešl, Matej
Steinman, Franc
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Mešl, 2021.


Ker se novi trendi vse bolj nagibajo k sonaravnemu urejanju vodotokov oziroma obvodnega prostora, smo se v nalogi ukvarjali z ukrepom živih mej kot ene od predstavnic le teh, za zmanjšanje erozijske nevarnosti na poplavnih območjih. Sonaravni ukrepi imajo poleg zaščitne tudi ekološko funkcijo, saj izboljšajo življenjske pogoje za vodni in obvodni živelj. Za izbrano poplavno območje reke Hudinje smo s hidravličnim modelom preverili vpliv rabe tal ter različne scenarije uporabe živih mej, ugotovitve pa podkrepili s številnimi prikazi. Vpliv izbranih ukrepov smo primerjali z obstoječim stanjem in tako upravičili njihovo izbiro. Prikazali smo primerjave globin, gladin, hitrosti ter strižnih napetosti za različne pretoke. Ugotovili smo, da raba tal pomembno vpliva na samo odpornost. Zaradi podnebnih sprememb in napovedi večanja tako intenzitete kot pogostosti visokih voda je potrebno skrbno načrtovati rabo prostora ter ukrepe na poplavnih območjih. Due to latest trends which are more oriented to the sustainable regulation of watercourses or riparian space, we focused in this master thesis on the measure of hedgerows, as one of their representatives, to reduce the erosion risk in flood areas. Sustainable measures have beside protection, also ecological function as they improve living conditions for aquatic and riparian life. For the selected flood area of Hudinja river we, used a hydraulic model to check the impact of land use and various scenarios for the use of hedges and supported the findings with numerous demonstrations. We compared the impact of the selected measures with the existing conditions and thus justify their choice. We presented comparisons of depths, levels, velocities, and shear stresses for different flows. We discovered that land use has a significant impact on resilience itself. Due to climate change and the forecast of an increase in both the intensity and frequency of high waters, it is necessary to carefully plan the use of space and measures in flood areas.


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