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Ocena potresne odpornosti družinske hiše v Grosuplju

Authors :
Žitnik, Luka
Dolšek, Matjaž
Publication Year :
Publisher :
L. Žitnik, 2017.


V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena ocena potresne odpornosti zidane hiše v Grosuplju. Potresno analizo smo izvedli z metodo horizontalnih sil na podlagi zahtev, ki jih podajata standarda Evrokod 6 in Evrokod 8. Diploma je razdeljena na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni postopki za določitev potresne obtežbe, račun nosilnosti posameznih zidov ter oceno odpornosti celotne konstrukcije. Povečanje obremenitve zaradi vpliva slučajne ekscentričnosti smo upoštevali na poenostavljen način s faktorjem . Nosilnosti smo računali za nearmirano zidovje, vpliva horizontalnih in vertikalnih vezi pa v računu nismo upoštevali. V praktičnem delu naloge smo uporabo teoretičnega postopka prikazali s primerom enoetažne zidane hiše. Predpostavili smo, da je pritličje kritični del objekta. Potresno odpornost smo preverili neodvisno za smer X in Y. Potresno silo smo v razmerju togosti razdelili na posamezne zidove ter izračunali nosilnosti zidov za tri tipe porušnih mehanizmov: porušitve zaradi zdrsa, porušitve zaradi nastanka diagonalnih razpok in upogibne porušitve. Nosilnosti smo izračunali na podlagi srednjih materialnih karakteristik, ki smo jih v prvem primeru zmanjšali za materialni varnostni faktor, ki upošteva vpliv stopnje zaupanja in osnovnega materialnega varnostnega faktorja, ki ga določa standard Evrokod. Predpostavili smo tudi, da se mehanizem zdrsa v našem primeru ne bo pojavil, zato prevladuje upogibni mehanizem porušitve. V skladu s standardom Evrokod konstrukcija ni odporna na projektno obtežbo. Do prekoračitve nosilnosti pride v vseh zidovih v smeri X in v polovici vseh zidov v smeri Y. The thesis addresses assessment of seismic resistance of single-family masonry building in Grosuplje. The verification of seismic performance was made on the basis of Eurocode 6 and Eurocode 8. The thesis is divided in the theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part presents procedures for determining seismic loads, seismic demands, the strength of masonry walls and building's structural resistances. The horizontal force method was used for estimating seismic demand. The increase in seismic demand due to impact of accidental eccentricity and torsional effects was based on simplified method by using factor. Strength was calculated for unreinforced masonry, effects of horizontal and vertical ties on the strength of masonry were not taken into account. In the second part of the thesis we estimate the seismic resistance of a masonry house. It was assumed that the ground floor is the most critical. The seismic resistance was therefore verified only fort the ground floor, but independently in X and Y principal direction of the building. Seismic force was redistributed on the walls by using stiffness ration. The sliding shear failure, shear failure with diagonal cracks and flexural failure were considered in the evaluation of the strength of walls. Strength was evaluated on the basis of medium material characteristics which were reduced by the material safety factor, as prescribed by the Eurocodes. We also assumed that the slide shear failure will not occur in our case, that is why the flexural failure was most commonly observed. The results indicated that the construction does not meet the verification criteria according to Eurocode. The failure in all walls in X and almost half the walls in Y axis was observed in the case of design seismic action.


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