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(IN)VISIBLE SPACE - Conceptual Design of Renovation of the Centre IRIS for Blind and Visually Impaired in Ljubljana

Authors :
Kranjec, Špela
Gregorski, Mojca
Publication Year :


V magistrskem delu obravnavam območje Centra IRIS - Centra za izobraževanje, rehabilitacijo, inkluzijo in svetovanje za slepe in slabovidne v Ljubljani. Stavbno tkivo na območju je potrebno prenove, saj zaradi dotrajanosti predstavlja nevarnost za uporabnike in obiskovalce. Stara stavba je pod kulturno zaščito in je del historičnega tkiva vil na območju Mirja, ki ga je potrebno ohranjati. Novejši objekt pa je delo Božidarja Gvardjančiča in je tipičen primer modernistične arhitekture. Obe stavbi ovrednotim kot pomembni arhitekturi, ju ohranim in prenovim. Obstoječa vsebina Centra IRIS je programsko ločena na dva dela, bivalni in izobraževalni del. Vendar pa so se zaradi prostorske stiske in reorganizacije programa vsebine začele prepletati. V zadnjih letih Center IRIS ni le ustanova namenjena slepim in slabovidnim otrokom, ampak tudi otrokom z drugimi težavami v razvoju. Razlog za manjše število slepih in slabovidnih otrok je, da se vse večje število staršev odloča za inkluzijo. Kljub temu nekateri otroci ob vključitvi v redne šole nazadujejo, zato so ustanove kot je obravnavana, zaenkrat še nujno potrebne. Zaradi novih vsebin je za nadaljnji razvoj ustanove potrebna prenova in reorganizacija programa v starih objektih ter zasnova novih prostorov. Snovanje novega objekta temelji na potrebah uporabnikov. Zato je pri načrtovanju poudarek na preprosti orientaciji v prostoru, ki temelji na zaznavanju prostora z vsemi čuti. Težnja po ravnovesju med obstoječim tkivom in novo zasnovo je eno glavnih vodil skozi celotno nalogo, s katero želim ustvariti kvalitetno arhitekturno rešitev. In this thesis, a proposal for the renovation and the extension of IRIS Center - Center for Education, Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Counselling for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Ljubljana will be made. The existing buildings are in need of renovation, as they pose a danger to users and visitors due to their dilapidation. The old building is under cultural protection and is part of the historical fabric of villas in the Mirje area. The newer building is the work of Božidar Gvardjančič and is a typical example of modernist architecture. Both buildings are quality examples of architecture from their time period which is why I have decided to preserve and renovate them. The existing content of the IRIS Center is programmatically divided into two parts, residential and educational. However, due to space constraints and the reorganization of the program, the contents began to overlap. In recent years, the IRIS Center has not only been an institution dedicated to blind and partially sighted children but also to children with other developmental problems. The reason for the reduced number of blind and partially sighted children in the Center is that an increasing number of parents choose inclusive education for their children. Nevertheless, some children regress when enrolled in regular schools, which is why institutions such as the one discussed are still vital. Due to the new content, the further development of the institution requires the renovation and reorganization of the program in the old facilities and the design of new spaces. The proposed extension is based on the needs of the users. Therefore, the emphasis is on simple orientation in space, which is based on the perception of space with all the senses. The balance between old and new is one of the main guidelines throughout the entire task, with which I want to create a quality architectural solution.


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