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Lesene strešne konstrukcije

Authors :
Nagode, Andraž
Kitek Kuzman, Manja
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Nagode, 2014.


Uporaba lesa kot materiala za nosilne konstrukcijske elemente je pri stanovanjskih, javnih ter gospodarskih objektih najbolj pogosta pri strešnih konstrukcijah. Podali smo zgodovinski pregled razvoja lesenih strešnih konstrukcij. Prikazali smo najpomembnejše izume, ki so omogočili izdelavo zahtevnejših konstrukcij večjega razpona (lok, paličje, sestavljeni nosilci, lepljeni lamelirani nosilci). Vloga strešne konstrukcije se je skozi čas spreminjala in vse pomembnejša je postajala izkoriščenost prostora. Streha je sestavljena iz krova (nosi kritino) ter ostrešja (nosi obremenitve, vključno s težo krova in lastno težo). Sistematično smo pregledali različne tipe strešnih konstrukcij in opisali njihove sestavne dele. Za sodobne lesene strešne konstrukcije je značilna uporaba veznih sredstev. Ugotovili smo, da se z izbiro pravilne lesne zveze mehanska odpornost in stabilnost lesene strešne konstrukcije lahko bistveno poveča. Na kratko smo opisali tradicionalne in sodobne lesne zveze. Preučili in prikazali smo sodobno izdelane lesene strešne konstrukcije - od načrtovanja do postavitve. Obiskali smo podjetje Kregar, kjer z uporabo sodobne računalniško vodene linije za obdelavo lesa izdelujejo tudi zahtevnejša tesarska dela. Med drugim so naredili najvičji samostoječi leseni objekt v Sloveniji - razgledni stolp na Planini nad Vrhniko. In roof constructions, using wood as a material for load-bearing structural elements in housing, public and other buildings is most common. A historical overview of the development of wooden roof structures is presented, so as the most important inventions that have enabled the manufacturing of a demanding wider range of structures (arch construction, stick construction, assembled constructions, and laminated carriers). The role of the roof structure has changed over time, and is becoming increasingly important for space utilization. The roof consists of a deck and a roof timber (to bear the burden, including the weight of the deck and its own weight). We systematically reviewed the various types of roof structures and described their components. The use of advanced fasteners is characteristic for modern wooden roof constructions. We have found that by selecting the correct timber joints mechanical resistance and stability of wooden roof structures can be significantly increased. We briefly described the traditional and modern wood carpentry joints. We examined and demonstrated a contemporary designed wooden roof structure - from planning to the final assembling. We visited the Kregar firm, where the usage of modern computer-controlled woodworking lines also produces sophisticated carpentry. Among other things, they made the highest standing wooden building in Slovenia - the lookout tower on Planina above Vrhnika.


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