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Avtomatizirano kalibriranje merilnikov tlaka

Authors :
Tuma, Tadej
Publication Year :


V tem diplomskem delu je predstavljena rešitev za avtomatizirano kalibracijo neinvazivnih merilnikov krvnega tlaka podjetja MESI d. o. o. Ta vsebuje izdelavo naprave in računalniške aplikacije. Naprava vsebuje vse fizične elemente, kot so črpalka, ventil, potrebni senzorji in tiskano vezje, v osrčju katerega je mikrokrmilnik, na katerem se izvaja program za vodenje kalibracijskega procesa, ter merjenje in regulacijo tlaka. Računalniška aplikacija služi kot uporabniški vmesnik in prek nje poteka komunikacija med narejeno napravo in napravo, ki jo kalibriramo, prek USB-povezav. Ker sta točnost in natančnost kalibracije ključnega pomena, je bil izbran primeren senzor tlaka in za morebitne potrebe dodatne temperaturne kompenzacije izbran senzor temperature. Program mikrokrmilnika vsebuje PI-regulator, ki spreminja stanje ventila in črpalke za regulacijo tlaka. Kalibracija, ki jo sistem izvaja, je narejena iz dveh delov, kjer se najprej izvede kalibracija, nato še preverjanje uspešnosti kalibracije. Skozi izvajanje tega procesa se spreminja referenčni tlak, potreben za PI-regulator, in se izvajajo se drugi ukazi. Uporabniški vmesnik računalniške aplikacije omogoča izbor naprave, ki jo želimo kalibrirati, s klikom na gumbe omogoča zagon in zaustavitev kalibracije, medtem ko nam na zaslonu prikazuje trenuten tlak in rezultate preverjanje uspešnosti kalibracije. Računalniška aplikacija je zasnovana tako, da ima za vsako možno napravo, ki jo lahko kalibrira, narejen kalibracijski proces za prenašanje podatkov med napravami in prikazovanje rezultatov na zaslonu. Za hitro, točno in natančno kalibracijo naprav so dobro nastavljeni parametri PI-regulatorja in ob kalibrirani narejeni kalibracijski napravi so zahteve tudi izpolnjene. This thesis presents a solution for automated calibration of non-invasive blood pressure monitors of the company MESI d. o. o. This includes the creation of a device and computer application. The device contains all the physical elements such as pump, valve, necessary sensors and printed circuit board at the heart of which is the microcontroller, which runs the program to control the calibration process, and the measurement and regulation of pressure. The computer application, on the other hand, serves as a user interface and through it the communication between the made device and the device being calibrated takes place via a USB connections. As the precision and accuracy of the calibration are crucial, a suitable pressure sensor has been selected and for any additional temperature compensation needs temperature sensor has been selected. The microcontroller program includes a PI-controller that changes the state of the valve and pump to regulate the pressure. The calibration performed by the system is made of two parts, where the calibration is performed first, and then the calibration success is checked. Through the execution of this process, the reference pressure required for the PI-controller changes and other commands are executed. The user interface of the computer application allows you to select the device you want to calibrate, by clicking on the buttons allows you to start and stop the calibration, and on the screen shows you the current pressure and the results of checking the success of the calibration. The computer application is designed to have a calibration process in place for each possible device that can be calibrated to transfer data between devices and display the results on the screen. For fast, precise and accurate calibration of devices, the parameters of the PI-controller are well set, and when the made calibration device is calibrated, the requirements are also met.


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