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Pokrivanje porabe električne energije na Gorenjskem z obnovljivimi viri energije

Authors :
Čepin, Marko
Publication Year :


Obnovljivi viri energije predstavljajo prihodnost energetike. Glavna prednost obnovljivih virov je predvsem njihov vpliv na okolje. Zanimanje po vključevanju elektrarn na obnovljive vire v elektroenergetske sisteme se veča. Ob kombinaciji s konvencionalnimi elektrarnami elektroenergetski sistemi obratujejo normalno. Zaradi nestanovitnosti vetrne in sončne energije, pospešeno vključevanje teh elektrarn predstavlja številne izzive, ki jih rešujemo in jih bo potrebno upoštevati že v bližnji prihodnosti. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti zmožnost pokrivanja porabe električne energije v izbranem okolju z obnovljivimi viri energije (OVE). Izbrali smo območje Gorenjske regije, ter se vprašali, kako realno bi bilo proizvesti vso potrebno energijo le z OVE v časovnem okviru 1.leta. Diplomskega dela smo se lotili tako, da smo si pridobili pomembne podatke za izračun proizvodnje električne energije iz OVE. To so bili vremenski podatki, saj imajo ti največji vpliv na OVE. S pomočjo omenjenih podatkov smo v programu MATLAB izvedli več vrst simulacij. Ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli pa so naslednje. Električna energija, ki bi jo proizvedle sončne elektrarne na Gorenjskem, bi teoretično zadoščale porabi, vendar le ob idealnih vremenskih pogojih. Problem je, da vremenski pogoji skozi celo leto ne bodo idealni. Ena od rešitev je izgradnja vetrnih elektrarn. A Gorenjska regija ni primerna za izgradnjo teh, saj je hitrost samega vetra premajhna, da bi vetrne elektrarne dovolj delovale. Druga rešitev bi bila uporaba velikega števila velikih energijskih hranilnikov. A se tudi tu pojavi problem, saj so potrebne velike količine energije, ki je potrebno shraniti. Še ena možnost bi bila uporaba konvencionalnih virov energije v kombinaciji z OVE, ko proizvodnja električne energije ne zadošča porabi. Na koncu smo prišli do ugotovitev, da v realni situaciji vetrne in sončne elektrarne ne proizvedejo dovolj električne energije za Gorenjsko regijo. Renewable energy sources resemble the future of energetics. Their main advantage is their effect on the environment. That is also the reason why renewable source power plants are becoming increasingly more popular. In combination with conventional power plants, the power systems are operating normally. Due to the inconstancy of wind and solar energy there are many challenges that hinder rapid incorporation of wind and solar based power plants. We are currently in the process of solving these challenges. The purpose of this thesis is to study the ability to cover the use of electric energy in a set environment using renewable energy sources. We picked the Gorenjska region and asked ourselves how realistic it would be to generate all required energy using only renewable energy sources during a time span of a year. We started this thesis by gathering important information in order to calculate renewable energy production. The information is weather based, as it has the most influence over renewable energy sources. With the gathered data we carried out numerous simulations in MATLAB. The conclusions we have reached are as follows. Electric energy produced by solar power plants in Gorenjska could theoretically cover the energy demand assuming ideal weather conditions. Such conditions are not present during the entire year. One of the solutions is the construction of wind-based power plants. The problem is a wind speed in Gorenjska region. It is too slow for the the wind turbines. The other solution is to use many energy storage systems, but the amounts of energy storage are extremely large. Another solution is the use of conventional energy sources in combination with renewable energy sources, when electric energy production does not meet the demand. In the end, we concluded, that solar and wind power plants do not produce enough electric energy for Gorenjska region.


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