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Možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja pri pouku geografije in državljanske in domovinske vzgoje ter etike v osnovni šoli

Authors :
Pintar, Patricija
Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
Štefanc, Damijan
Publication Year :


V začetku magistrskega dela so opredeljene terminološke opredelitve in razmejitve medpredmetnega povezovanja – integrativni kurikul, različne faze in ravni ter problemi pri načrtovanju in izvajanju medpredmetnega povezovanja. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene možnosti načrtovanja in izvajanja medpredmetnega povezovanja pri geografiji ter domovinski in državljanski kulturi ter etiki. Predstavljen je formalni okvir s predstavitvijo pristojne zakonodaje, kurikularni dokumenti s poudarkom na analizi učnih načrtov obravnavanih predmetov in institucionalna ter individualna raven. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo predstavili konkretne možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja med obravnavanima predmetoma. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja z izvedbo polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Z njim smo pri šestih intervjuvancih pridobivali odgovore na osem raziskovalnih vprašanj. V zaključnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili izsledke analize, s katero smo ugotovili, da intervjuvani učitelji v šolskem procesu izvajajo medpredmetno povezovanje, a se ob tem srečujejo z nemalo težavami. This master's thesis first presents terminological definitions and delimitations of cross-curricular integration – intergated curriculum, different stages and levels, and problems in the process of planning and implementing cross-curricular integration. We continue by describing the various options for planning and implementing cross-curricular integration of Geography and Citizenship Education. A formal framework is presented by laying out the relevant legislation. We shed some light on the curricular documents focusing on the curricula analysis of the discussed subjects, followed by showing the institutional and individual levels of the integration. We conclude the theoretical part by presenting concrete possibilities of cross-curricular integration of the abovementioned subjects. In the empirical part, we carried out a qualitative research by conducting a semi-structured interview. By interviewing six teachers we received answers to eight research questions. The final part of our master's thesis presents the results of our analysis where we establish that the interviewees use cross-curricular integration in the school process but are facing a lot of problems.


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