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Razvijanje govornega sporazumevanja na ravni B1 v italijanščini in angleščini kot tujih jezikih

Authors :
Logar, Tjaša
Mertelj, Darja
Skela, Janez
Publication Year :


V magistrskem delu je predstavljena zmožnost razvijanja govornega sporazumevanja na ravni B1 v italijanščini in angleščini kot tujih jezikih. V teoretičnem delu je najprej opisano govorno sporazumevanje, zatem pa je predstavljen razvoj in pomen le-tega v različnih metodah učenja/poučevanja jezikov. V nadaljevanju sledi pregled govornega sporazumevanja v opisnikih prenovljene izdaje Skupnega evropskega jezikovnega okvira (SEJO). Na koncu teoretičnega dela je predstavljen še dialog in tehnike ter tipi nalog, ki se uporabljajo za razvijanje govornega sporazumevanja. Nameni empiričnega dela so (1) analizirati korake učnega procesa, v okviru katerega je bila uporabljena tudi metoda obrnjenega učenja, (2) analizirati napake študentov med pripravo besedila za govorni nastop ter med samo izvedbo, ter (3) primerjava študentov s predznanjem italijanščine ter tistimi brez predznanja. This Master thesis is focused on developing spoken interaction at B1 level in Italian and English as foreign languages. In the beginning of the theoretical part, spoken interaction is presented, and later described within different language teaching methods. Furthermore, an overview of spoken interaction and its descriptors in The Common European framework of reference for languages (CEFR) is presented. Towards the end of the theoretical part the dialogue is put into focus, together with some techniques and types of exercises that are used for developing spoken interaction. The aims of the empirical part are: (1) to analyse the steps of the teaching process during which the method of flipped learning was used, (2) to analyse the students’ errors during the preparation of the texts for their oral presentation and during the performance of it, and (3) to compare the students with some prior knowledge of the language to those without any prior knowledge of the language.


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