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Izračun in vizualizacija gibanja objekta po ortodromi in loksodromi

Authors :
Kržan, Nina
Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona
Publication Year :
Publisher :
N. Kržan, 2018.


Ortodroma in loksodroma sta krivulji na Zemlji, katere obliko obravnavamo kot kroglo. Ortodroma je del velikega kroga in predstavlja najkrajšo razdaljo med točkama. Loksodroma je od ortodrome daljša, vendar meridiane seka pod enakim kotom, zato pri gibanju ni potrebno spreminjati smeri gibajočega se objekta. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo značilnosti krivulj in postopke numeričnega reševanja situacij na posameznih krivuljah. Kot rezultat naloge predstavljamo program v okolju MATLAB, ki ob vnosu geografskih koordinat dveh poljubnih krajev na Zemlji izračuna koordinate krajev na ortodromi in loksodromi ter omogoča vizualizacijo rešitev na karti Mercatorjeve projekcije in v Google Earth-u. Great circle and rhumb line are the curves on Earth, whose shape is treated as a sphere. Great circle is a part of a large circle and represents the shortest distance between the points. Rhumb line is longer than the great circle, but it crosses every meridian under the same angle, so meanwhile moving, direction change of the moving object is not needed. In the graduation thesis we present the characteristics of the curves and procedures of numerical solving for the situations on individual curves. As a result of the task, we present a program in the MATLAB environment, which, when entering the geographical coordinates of any two places on Earth, calculates the coordinates of places on the great circle and rhumb line, and allows the visualization of results on the Mercator projection map and in Google Earth.


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