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Obvladovanje oskrbe projekta

Authors :
Fratnik Kobe, Jan
Kušar, Janez
Publication Year :
Publisher :
J. Fratnik Kobe, 2022.


Podjetja oskrbi projektov namenjajo vse večjo pozornost, saj je od pravočasne oskrbe s pravimi materialnimi in drugimi viri odvisno doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. V prvem delu naloge smo iz literature povzeli enega izmed bolj repoznanih sistemov oskrbe in pripadajoče dobre prakse v procesih upravljanja oskrbe. Popisani so bili tudi najpogosteje uporabljeni sistemi ocenjevanja uspešnosti v podjetjih. V drugem delu smo kritično ocenili obstoječe stanje v procesu oskrbe. Preko analize konkretnega primera smo ugotovili, da sistem oskrbe projekta v izbranem podjetju ni optimalen in neposredno vpliva na neuspešnost oskrbe. V ta namen smo predlagali rešitve in izboljšave procesa. Hkrati smo uvedli dodatne ključne kazalnike uspešnosti iz vidika trajnostnega razvoja. Preko vpeljanih kazalnikov uspešnosti smo pokazali, da je prostora za optimizacijo izdelka z vidika uporabe obnovljivih materialov še veliko. Poudarjena je bila vloga projektne nabave na odločitve razvoja, ki projekt podpira z viri. Trditev smo podkrepili z rezultati na praktičnem primeru. Companies are paying increasing attention to project procurement, as the timely provision of the right material and other resources is key to achieving their objectives. In the first part of the thesis, one of the more recognised procurement systems and related good practices in procurement management processes were summarised from the literature. The most commonly used performance evaluation systems in companies were also summarised. In the second part, we critically assessed the current state in the supply process. Through a case study, we found that the project supply system in the selected company is not optimal and it directly influences the procurement performance failure. For this reason, we proposed solutions and process improvements. At the same time, we have introduced additional key performance indicators from a sustainability perspective. Through the performance indicators introduced, we have shown that there is still room for product optimisation in terms of the use of renewable materials. However, the role of project procurement on development decisions was highlighted, supporting the project with resources. The claim was supported by the results of a practical example.


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