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Individualni in skupinski tehnično-taktični trening v nogometu po posameznih igralnih mestih na podlagi napak in vzorcev v igri

Authors :
Ferk, Janez
Šibila, Marko
Publication Year :


Nogomet je skupinski šport. Posamezniki, vsak posebej, pa odločilno vplivajo ali je skupina uspešna. Način igre v nogometu pred igralce postavlja izjemno visoke zahteve, ne glede na to ali govorimo o funkcionalno-motoričnih oz. gibalnih sposobnostih ali tehnično-taktičnih znanjih. Postopnost priprave moštva narekuje individualno usposabljanje igralcev za skupinsko izvajanje nalog. In nato usklajevanje skupin znotraj zahtev moštvene igre. Pomemben je transfer iz treninga posameznih elementov v igro. Namen je bil prepoznati in pripraviti tehnično-taktične elemente v igri za vsa igralna mesta. Znotraj treninga pripraviti najpogostejše situacije iz igre za posamezno igralno mesto in nato postopoma oteževati stvari in ponujati igralcem široko paleto rešitev. Takšen trening, tako v fazi obrambe kot v fazi napada, znotraj igre, kjer je pomanjkanje časa in prostora vedno večje, igralce izuri v iskanju in izvedbi najbolj smiselnih rešitev v danih trenutkih. Za izhodišče pri pripravi vaj smo uporabili dogodke, ki jih narekujejo načela moštvene taktike v obeh fazah igre in podrobno analizo dogajanja na posameznih igralnih mestih znotraj dvajsetih tekem 1. slovenske nogometne lige v sezoni 2016/2017. Prepoznani so bili mnogi vzorci v igri kot tudi preveliko število individualnih napak. Zato so v nalogi predstavljene nekatere vaje osnovnih tehničnih elementov, situacijske vaje in igralne oblike. Obravnavanih je pet igralnih mest: srednji branilec, zunanji branilec, vezni igralec ali srednji vezni napadalec, zunanji vezni napadalec ali zunanji napadalec in napadalec. Vse vaje so zelo specifično usmerjene in predstavljajo način individualnega ter skupinskega treninga, ki opredeljuje tudi najmanjše podrobnosti. S takšnim načinom specialne priprave vsakega posameznika pa bo domet in učinkovitost celotnega moštva večji. Even though football is a team sport, each individual has a decisive influence on the sucess of the team. Style of play puts players under extremely high demands, regardless of whether we are talking about functional-physical abilities or technical-tactical skills. Gradual preparation of the team dictates individual training of players for group performance and subsequenlty coordinating groups within the requirements of the team match. It is important to transfer individual elements from training to the match. Our purpose was to identify and prepare technical-tactical elements in the match for all playing positions. To prepare during the training most common situations in the match for every single position and then gradually increase intensity and offer players a wide range of solutions. Such training, both in the defense and attack phase, where the lack of time and space is increasing during the match, make the players seek and implement the most sensible solutions in given moments. As a starting point for the preparation of excercises, we have used situations dictated by the principle of team tactics in both stages of the match, along with thorough analysis of twenty matches of the Slovenian First Football League in the 2016/2017 season. We have identified many patterns in the match, as well too many individual errors. Therefore, some excercises of basic technical elements, situational excercises and playing forms are presented in the thesis. We have analysed five positions: centre-back, full-back, centre midfield, attacking midfield and centre forward. All excercises are specifically targeted and they represent a method of individual and group training, which defines even the smallest details. With this kind of individual approach the range and efficiency of the whole team will be higher.


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