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Authors :
Kovač, Polonca
Publication Year :
Publisher :
G. Bečaj, 2019.


Poznamo splošni upravni postopek in veliko več posebnih. Poznamo upravna področja, ki so tako svojevrstna, da splošna pravila ZUP ne zadostujejo, takrat lahko poseben zakon uredi neko vprašanje postopka ali več posebnih pravil upravnega postopka drugače ali na novo glede na ZUP. Vse, česar področni zakon ne ureja drugače, zlasti temeljna načela, velja po ZUP glede na 22. člen Ustave. Ne glede na smernice razvoja nadzora obstaja na tem področju zaradi primarnega varstva javne koristi več posebnosti po področnih zakonih in izvedbenih predpisih. Te posebnosti so načeloma dveh vrst: specialne določbe področnega zakona ter področni zakon, ki ureja isti institut kot ZUP, le določneje, bolj podrobno oziroma dopolnilno. Zakonski predpisi zahtevajo uporabo predpisanih temeljnih načel. Temeljna načela skupaj veljajo kot celota ter se med seboj dopolnjujejo in povezujejo. Posebno ureditev lahko predpiše zgolj zakon, ki je v razmerju do ZUP poseben predpis, tako da se v razmerju do ZUP uporablja načelo, da specialna zakonska ureditev nadomesti splošno. Na upravnem področju posebnega upravnega postopka bo organ pri reševanju konkretnih upravnih zadev s konkretnega upravnega področja postopal po pravilih tega posebnega upravnega postopka, ZUP pa se bo uporabljal glede tistih vprašanj, glede katerih posebni zakon ni uredil posebnih procesnih pravil. V tem diplomskem delu predstavljamo pojma splošnega in posebnega upravnega postopka, ki ju urejajo področni zakoni in podrejeno ZUP, njuna presečišča ter razlike urejanja v pravni ureditvi z viri, prav tako pa smo primerjali temeljna načela in pravice po ZUP z izbranimi področnimi zakoni. Poleg zgoraj naštetega smo preverili tudi sledečo hipotezo: »Področni zakon lahko nadredi ZUP v kateremkoli procesnem pravilu, razen glede temeljnih ustavnih pravic,« in sicer z normativno in komparativno metodo ter primerjavo izbranih področnih zakonov z ZUP ter z analizo judikature, uporabili pa smo tudi študij strokovne literature, pri čemer smo si pomagali s primeri iz sodne prakse. Našo hipotezo potrjujemo, saj je iz rezultatov analize področne judikature vrhovnega sodišča razvidno, da je sodišče v večini primerov presodilo, da bi se moral uporabljati le področni zakon ali pa področni zakon in ZUP podrejeno. We know the general administrative procedure and many more special ones. We know the administrative areas that are so unique that the general rules of the Administrative Procedure Act are not sufficient, then a special law may regulate an issue of procedure or several specific rules of the administrative procedure differently or anew in relation to the Administrative Procedure Act. Everything that is not regulated differently by the sectoral law, in particular the basic principles, applies according to the ZUP, according to Article 22 of the Constitution. Regardless of the guidelines for the development of control, there are several special features in this area, due to the primary protection of the public benefit, under sectoral laws and implementing regulations. These special features are in principle of two types: the special provisions of the sectoral law and the sectoral law are governed by the same institute as the ZUP, only more specifically, in more detail or supplementary Regulations require the application of the basic principles laid down. The basic principles apply together as a whole, the latter complementary and interconnecting. A special regulation can only be prescribed by a law, which is a special regulation in relation to the LAP, so that in relation to the LAP, the principle that the special legal regulation replaces the general one applies. In the administrative area of a special administrative procedure, the authority will follow the rules of that special administrative procedure when dealing with specific administrative matters in a specific administrative area, and the ZUP will be applied to those issues on which a special law did not regulate procedural special rules. My thesis presents the concepts of general and specific administrative procedure, which are governed by sectoral laws and subordinate ZUP, their intersections and differences of regulation in the legal system with sources, and also compared the original principles and rights, that are part of the Law of the General Administrative procedure with certain sectoral laws. In addition to the above, I also tested the following hypothesis: »The field law can supersede ZUP in any procedural rule, except for fundamental constitutional rights« by normative and comparative method, and comparing selected sectoral laws with ZUP and judicature analysis, and I used also study professional literature and help with case studies. I confirm my thesis, since the results of the analysis of the supreme court's area judicature show that in most cases the court held that only a branch law or a branch law and ZUP should be subordinate.


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