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Stresni dejavniki in prehranjevalno vedenje pri študentih

Authors :
Berginc, Brigita
Kobal Grum, Darja
Publication Year :
Publisher :
B. Berginc, 2019.


Raziskave kažejo, da je stres povezan s spremembami prehranjevalnega vedenja, saj preusmerja izbiro živil na tiste z večjo energijsko vrednostjo ter visoko vsebnostjo sladkorja in maščob. Stres je eden izmed faktorjev, ki lahko vpliva na vedenje in zdravje posameznika, še posebej, ko se ta sooča z izzivi, ki presegajo njegove sposobnosti. Psihološki stres je neobhoden del življenja. Kljub temu, da se dejavniki, ki povzročajo stres, zelo razlikujejo od človeka do človeka kakor tudi med spoloma, pa so si psihološki odzivi človeškega telesa proti stresu precej podobni. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med stresnimi dejavniki in prehranjevalnim vedenjem pri študentih. Podatki, ki smo jih pridobili z anketo, kažejo na povezavo med stresom in prehranjevanjem, saj je 56 % anketirancev navedlo, da pod vplivom stresa posegajo po nezdravi hrani. 45 % študentov je navedlo, da v takem stanju zaužijejo količinsko več hrane. V kategoriji živil z večjo vsebnostjo sladkorja, maščob in soli se je izkazalo, da nekatere od teh živil študentje v času izpostavljenosti stresu uživajo prepogosto. 45 % anketirancev je odgovorilo, da posegajo po bonbonih in čokoladi kar 1 do 3-krat na teden. Prav tako jih enak delež uživa pecivo, sladice in slaščice 1 do 3-krat na teden. Kot zelo stresne dejavnike so študentje navedli: neuspeh, težave in nesporazumi s partnerjem, nezadostno znanje pred kolokvijem/izpitom. Researches suggest that stress alters eating behaviour, redirecting food choices to food with greater energy value and high sugar and fat content. Stress is one of a factor which may influence behaviours and health especially when an individual faces challenges that surpass his or her coping skills. Psychological stress, a perceived challenge to well being, is an indispensable and influential part of life. Although stress-causing factors vary greatly from person to person and between the genders, physiological reactions of the human body against stress are quite similar to each other. The purpose of B. Sc. Thesis is to find out the connection between stress factors and eating behaviour of students. The data we obtained with the survey indicate the link between stress and nutrition, as 56% of respondents reported that they encounter unhealthy food under the influence of stress. 45% of students reported that they consumed more food in such a condition. In the category of foods with larger content of sugar, fat and salt, it turned out that students are consuming some of these foods too often. 45% of respondents claimed that they eat candy and chocolate even 1 to 3 times a week. Also, the same proportion of students enjoy cakes, desserts and confectionery 1 to 3 times a week. As a very stressful factors students reported: failure, problems and misunderstandings with partner, inadequate knowledge before preliminary exam/test.


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