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Določitev obremenitvenega stanja pri vklopu prestave v sekvenčnem menjalniku motornega kolesa

Authors :
Gorela, Matija
Klemenc, Jernej
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Gorela, 2023.


Predmet obravnave tega diplomskega dela je sekvenčni menjalnik motornega kolesa BMW K1200 S. Pri njem se prestave vklapljajo tako, da se čep parkljastega zobnika aksialno potisne v utor prosto gibajočega se zobnika in ga s tem priključi na gred v menjalniku. Za poljubno izbrano prestavo smo izračunali kontaktne napetosti pri vklopu posamezne prestave z metodo končnih elementov. Za vklop prestave je treba pritisniti ročico sklopke na krmilu. S tem se v menjalniku pojavi razlika kotnih hitrosti med parkljastim zobnikom in prosto gibajočim zobnikom. Parkljasti zobnik se vrti zaradi vztrajnosti zadnjega kolesa motocikla, medtem ko se prosto gibajoči zobnik vrti s kotno hitrostjo motorja. Zaradi omenjenih razlik kotnih hitrosti se pri vklopu prestave pojavi sunek sile med parkljem in utorom zobnika. Ta sunek sile in kontaktne napetosti smo izračunali z eksplicitno dinamično simulacijo končnih elementov za drugo prestavo menjalnika. Simulacija je bila izvedena s programom Abaqus CAE. Pred simulacijo smo določili prestavna razmerja, ocenili maso transmisijskih elementov in pridobili ostale manjkajoče podatke, potrebne za izračun. Nato smo izdelali poenostavljen model menjalnika in ga vnesli v Abaqus, kjer smo izvedli simulacijo. The subject of this thesis is a sequential gearbox of a BMW K1200 S motorcycle. The gears are engaged by pushing the pin of a spur gear axially into the groove of a free-moving gear, thereby connecting it to a shaft in the gearbox. For one arbitrarily selected gear, contact stresses for engaging the gear were calculated using the finite element method. The clutch lever on the handlebar must be pressed to engage the gear. This causes a difference in angular velocity in the gearbox between the spur gear and the free-running gear. The spur gear rotates due to the inertia of the rear wheel of the motorcycle, while the freewheeling gear rotates with the angular velocity of the engine. Due to these differences in angular velocity, force is generated between the pinion and the pinion groove, when the gear is engaged. This force and contact stress were calculated by explicit dynamic finite element simulation for second gear of the gearbox. Before the simulation, we determined the gear ratios, estimated the mass of the transmission elements, and obtained the other missing data needed for the calculation. We then created a simplified model of the gearbox and fed it into Abaqus, where we ran the simulation


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