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Spletni prikazi zbirk umetniških del

Authors :
Bovcon, Narvika
Publication Year :


Pisanja diplomskega dela smo se lotili ravno v času koronavirusne bolezni, ko so povsod po svetu morali številni muzeji zaradi pandemije zapreti svoja vrata in svoje eksponate obiskovalcem približati v virtualnih svetovih, tako da so se ogledi razstav in muzejev množično preseljevali na splet. Posledično se je področje spletnih prikazov zbirk umetniških del v kratkem času zelo razmahnilo. Odločili smo se analizirati obstoječe spletne prikaze razstav in zbirk umetniških del. Cilj diplomske naloge je bila izdelava prototipa spletne strani poljubne razstave umetniških del z zanimivim vmesnikom. Spletna stran bo zagotovila poučno in zabavno uporabniško izkušnjo, saj umetniška dela ne bodo predstavljena le na običajen način z besedilom in slikami, ampak bo uporabnik ob obisku te strani lahko igral računalniško igrico ter na tak način pridobil, preveril in dopolnil svoje znanje s področja umetnosti. V diplomski nalogi opišemo izdelavo lastne rešitve, in sicer od razvoja ideje do implementacije oblikovalske rešitve in programiranja. Na koncu izdelek testiramo pri uporabnikih in ovrednotimo uporabniško izkušnjo. The writing of the diploma work was started right at the time of coronavirus disease, when many museums all around the world had to close their doors due to a pandemic and bring their exhibits closer to visitors in virtual worlds, so that visits to exhibitions and museums were moving massively online. As a result, the field of online displays of art collections expanded greatly in a short period of time. We decided to analyze existing online displays of exhibitions and art collections. The aim of the diploma thesis was to create a prototype website for any exhibition of works of art with an interesting interface. The website will provide an educational and entertaining user experience, as the works of art will not only be presented in the usual way with text and images, but the user, at visiting the website, will be able to play a computer game and thus gain, test and supplement his knowledge in the field of art. In the diploma thesis the creation of our own solution is described, namely from the development of the idea to the implementation of the design solution and programming. Finally, the product is tested with users and the user experience is evaluated.


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