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Analiza sedanjega in predloga novega sistema napredovanj javnih uslužbencev

Authors :
Radovan, Rok
Franca, Valentina
Publication Year :
Publisher :
R. Radovan, 2021.


Javna uprava zagotavlja storitve, ki so v interesu vseh prebivalcev Slovenije. Predstavlja vmesni člen med državno oblastjo, ki sprejema in določa pravna pravila, in med uporabniki storitev, ki so ta pravila dolžni upoštevati. Želja vseh je, da je javna uprava dober servis svojim strankam, ki stopajo v stik z njo. Zato v svojih vrstah potrebuje usposobljene in strokovne zaposlene oziroma javne uslužbence, ki bodo učinkovito in dobro opravljali svoje delo. To pa pomeni, da je potrebno uslužbencem v javni upravi zagotoviti primerne pogoje za delo in ustrezno plačilo za opravljeno delo. Pri tem je pomembno, da so za svoje delo primerno nagrajeni. V javni upravi se nagrado lahko razume kot napredovanje uslužbenca na podlagi opravljenega dela. V diplomskem delu se analizira sedanji sistem napredovanja v javnem sektorju in predlog novega sistema napredovanj pristojnega ministrstva iz leta 2019 ter se ju medsebojno primerja. Pri tem se ugotavlja, kakšne so značilnosti sedanjega sistema napredovanj oziroma pod kakšnimi pogoji lahko javni uslužbenec napreduje in kakšne pogoje bi zagotovil predlog novega sistema. Pri primerjavi se delo osredotoča na štiri področja, in sicer na napredovanje, pogoje napredovanja uslužbencev, nagrajevanje po delovni uspešnosti s fleksibilnostjo pri določanju plač in na prikaz napredovanja v obeh sistemih na konkretnem primeru posameznega javnega uslužbenca. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da imata tako sedanji sistem kot predlog novega sistema napredovanj prednosti in pomanjkljivosti oziroma slabosti. Sedanji sistem omogoča večje število napredovanj po plačni lestvici in možnost, da nadrejeni z ocenjevanjem preveri upravičenost napredovanja uslužbenca. Po drugi strani določa manjši odstotek sredstev za izplačilo nagrajevanja, kot to predvideva novi predlog. V novem predlogu pa uslužbenec ne more napredovati s takšno časovno dinamiko, kot lahko v sedanjem sistemu, povečuje pa se delež sredstev, namenjenih nagrajevanju in izplačevanju le-teh na mesečni ravni. Na koncu dela je ugotovljeno, da v obeh primerih bistva, torej nagrajevanje le tistih, ki si to zaslužijo glede na opravljeno delo, ne rešujeta niti sedanji niti predlog novega sistema napredovanj. The public administration provides services that are in the interest of all the inhabitants of Slovenia. It represents an intermediate link between the state authority, which adopts and determines the legal rules and, on the other hand, the users of the services, who are obliged to comply with them. It is everyone's wish that the public administration is a good service to its customers who come into contact with it. Therefore, in its ranks, public administration needs qualified and professional employees or civil servants who will perform their work efficiently and well. This means that public administration employees need to be provided with appropriate working conditions and adequate remuneration for their work. It is important that they are appropriately rewarded for their work. In public administration, a reward can be understood as the promotion of an employee based on the work performed. This thesis examines the current system of promotion in the public sector and the proposal of a new system of promotion of the competent ministry from 2019 and compares them with each other. It determines what are the characteristics of the current promotion system or under what conditions a civil servant can be promoted, and what conditions would be provided by the proposal of the new system. In this comparison, the work focuses on four areas, namely the promotion, conditions of employee promotion, variable remuneration with flexibility in determining salaries, and on the promotion in both systems, based on a specific case of an individual civil servant. It was found that both the current system and the proposal for a new system of promotions have advantages and disadvantages. The current system allows for a higher number of promotions on the salary scale and the possibility for the superior to check the justification of the employee's promotion by assessment. On the other hand, it sets a lower percentage of the funds for the payment of remuneration than provided for in the new proposal. Conversely, in the new proposal, the staff member cannot be promoted with such time dynamics as they can in the current system, and the share of funds intended for remuneration and payment on a monthly basis is increasing. At the end of the work, it is established that in both cases the essence, i.e. rewarding only those who deserve it according to the work done, is not solved by either the current or the proposal of a new system of promotions.


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