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Materialni in strukturni popis tiskanih knjig iz 16. in 17. stoletja v knjižnici cerkve sv. Jurija v Piranu

Authors :
Vogrin, David
Vodopivec, Jedert
Publication Year :
Publisher :
D. Vogrin, 2018.


Cilj magistrskega dela je izvedba natančnega popisa materialnih in strukturnih elementov v tiskanih knjigah iz kapiteljske knjižnice v cerkvi sv. Jurija v Piranu. Vzorec zajema 42 knjig, izdanih med letoma 1546 in 1666, ki so predvsem italijanskega izvora, večina jih je bila izdanih v Benetkah. Popis je izveden z obrazcem, ki so ga za popis starih knjig izdelali v Arhivu RS in dopolnili v NUK-u. Rezultati so pokazali način tiska in sestavo leg v knjižnih blokih ter strukturo vezav. Knjižni bloki so narejeni iz ročno izdelanega papirja in povezani predvsem z vezicami iz galunskih trakov, ki poleg tega večinoma povezujejo tudi blok s platnicami. Strukturno vlogo v vezavi imajo tudi kapitali in spojni foliji. Uporabljene platnice so večinoma izdelane iz lepenke ter pergamentne ali papirne prevleke. Na knjigah se najde dokaj veliko poškodb, vendar pa so te večinoma manjšega obsega in ne ogrožajo celotne strukture knjige. Najbolj pogoste oblike poškodb so vodni madeži in poškodbe zaradi insektov ter mehanske poškodbe zaradi uporabe knjig. The aim of master thesis is to carry out an inventory of material and structural elements in printed books from chapter library in St. George's Church in Piran. Sample consists of 42 books, published between 1546 and 1666 of mainly Italian origin, as the majority of books were published in Venice. The inventory was implemented using a form for describing old books, made by the Archive of the RS and supplemented by the National and University Library. Results revealed type of print and composition of gatherings in bookblocks and the structure of bindings. Bookblocks are made of handmade paper and mostly bound with bands from alum ribbons that are also used to bind bookblock with covers. Structural function of binding bookblock and covers also falls upon endbands and endleaves. The covers are durable, mostly made of cardboard supports and parchment or paper covering. A lot of damages on can be found on books, but these are usually of a lesser area and do not endanger the structure of an entire book. Most common types of damages on books are water stains and damages caused by insects, as well as the mechanical damages due to using the books.


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