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Analiza sprememb v prostoru na osnovi arhivskih gradiv franciscejskega katastra za Štajersko

Authors :
Hauptman, Matej
Lisec, Anka
Publication Year :
Publisher :
M. Hauptman, 2015.


V diplomskem delu smo predstavili arhivska gradiva franciscejskega katastra za Štajersko in preverili uporabnost teh podatkov za rekonstrukcijo stanja v prostoru ter izvedli analizo sprememb v prostoru. Teoretični del naloge sestavlja kratek pregled zgodovine zemljiškega katastra po svetu in v Sloveniji ter predstavitev grafičnega in pisnega operata takratnega katastra. Analitično je obravnavano območje katastrske občine Destrnik, kjer smo preverjali spremembe v prostoru med stanjem v letu 1824 (podatki franciscejskega katastra) in današnjim stanjem (podatki zemljiškega katastra iz leta 2014) ter spremembe v prostoru v zadnjih dvanajstih letih (2002–2014). V ta namen smo izvedli primerjalne analize rabe zemljišč, parcelne strukture in izdelali karto območja ledin. Za izvedbo analiz in izdelavo tematskih kart smo uporabili programsko orodje ArcGIS 10.2. Ugotovili smo, da se je na obravnavanem območju v rabi zemljišč in tudi v parcelni strukturi zemljišč v zadnjih dveh stoletjih zgodilo veliko sprememb. Rezultati so predstavljeni grafično v obliki tematskih kart in numerično v preglednicah. This graduation thesis includes a presentation of archived documents of the Styrian Franziscean Land Cadastre, a verification of the usefulness of this data for reconstruction of the geospatial situation in the region, and an analysis of changes there. The theoretical part of the graduation thesis is composed of a short review of the worldwide and Slovenian land cadastre history, and a presentation of the graphic and attribute elements of the cadastre from that period. The analysis was conducted in the area of the Cadastral Community of Destrnik, where spatial changes in the area were examined, comparing the situation in 1824 (data from the Franziscean Land Cadastre) to the current situation (data from the land cadastre from 2014), and establishing changes in the period of last twelve years (2002–2014). For that purpose, a comparative analysis of land use and land plot structure was carried out, and map of fallows was made. The software tool ArcGIS 10.2 was used for the analysis and creation of thematic maps. The main findings are that there have been many changes in land use and plot structure in the last few centuries in the analysed area. The results are presented graphically using thematic maps, and numerically in tables.


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