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Authors :
Klajnšček, Ambrož
Leben, Anamarija
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Klanjšček, 2020.


Konstantni napredki, vse večja komercializacija, priljubljenost in uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije pri poslovanju organizacij so pripomogli h korenitnim spremembam načina dela in izmenjave, pošiljanja, hranjenja, prikazovanja ter obdelave podatkov in informacij. Programska orodja, namenjena upravljanju poslovnih procesov, organizacijam omogočajo izrabo le-teh za namen ugotavljanja, modeliranja, grafičnega prikazovanja, simuliranja ter pridobivanja podatkov in rezultatov o učinkovitosti njihovih poslovnih procesov ter, na podlagi teh, sprejemanje pomembnih poslovnih odločitev. Diplomsko delo se tako osredotoča na proučitev področja upravljanja in prenove poslovnih procesov na podlagi primera procesa priključevanja strank v omrežje izbrane organizacije z namenom opisa, ugotovitve ter ovrednotenja posameznih elementov, prikaza, izvedbe simulacije in pridobitve kazalnikov obstoječega procesa. Cilj dela je, da na podlagi navedenega identificiramo možne neučinkovitosti oz. pomanjkljivosti, poiščemo ukrepe oz. rešitev za izboljšavo le-teh ter jih implementiramo v sam proces. Pri tem smo se predvsem spraševali, kako poteka sam proces priključevanja strank v izbrano organizacijo, kateri so kazalniki, ki pomembno vplivajo na potek in učinkovitost samega procesa ter kako lahko obstoječi proces izboljšamo. Z izrabo tako kvalitativnih kot kvantitativnih metod ter pomočjo programskega orodja iGrafx, samo posledično tudi dosegli zadani cilj, katerega rezultat je izboljšan in prenovljen proces. Constant progress, commercialization, popularity and use of information and communication technology in everyday operations of organizations have contributed to radical changes in the way we work and exchange, send, store, display and process data and information. Software tools designed to manage business processes enable organizations to use them for the purpose of identifying, modeling, graphically displaying, simulating and obtaining data and results on the efficiency of their business processes and, based on these, making important business decisions. The thesis focuses on the study of management and renovation of business processes based on the example of the process of connecting customers to the network of the selected organisation in order to describe, identify and evaluate individual elements, display, perform a simulation and obtain indicators of the existing process with the goal of identifying possible inefficiencies or shortcomings, indication of measures and solutions for their improvement and their implementation in the process itself. We mainly focused on answering the following questions: how the process of connecting clients to the selected organization works, what are the indicators that significantly affect the course and efficiency of the process itself and how we can improve the existing process. By using both qualitative and quantitative methods and with the help of the iGrafx software tool, we consequently achieve the set goal, the result of which is an improved and renewed process.


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