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Dopolnilno zdravstveno zavarovanje in analiza zadovoljstva uporabnikov
- Publication Year :
- 2022
- Publisher :
- I. Tomc, 2022.
- Vse bolj pogosta doplačevanja za zdravila, obiski zasebnih specialistov zaradi dolgih čakalnih vrst in težje dostopnosti do zdravnikov ter občutek neslišanosti bolnika vplivajo na nezadovoljstvo z zdravstvenim sistemom v Sloveniji. Večkrat se postavlja vprašanje, zakaj se javno zdravstvo plačuje, če pa postaja vse bolj profitna dejavnost. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti sistem zdravstvenega varstva v Sloveniji, predvsem pa se osredotočiti na dopolnilno zdravstveno zavarovanje. V teoretičnem delu je podrobneje predstavljeno dopolnilno zdravstveno zavarovanje, kako se je razvijalo skozi zgodovino in njegove ključne značilnosti, saj je le–to tisto, ki je v zadnjem času postalo glavna tarča kritik. Prikazani so aktualna problematika in predlogi reform trenutnega sistema. V empiričnem delu je z analizo anketnega vprašalnika preučeno zadovoljstvo uporabnikov z dopolnilnim zdravstvenim zavarovanjem in kateri dejavniki glede na spol (moški/ženski) in starost vplivajo na izbiro zavarovalnice. Ugotovili smo, da se uporabniki v večini ne strinjajo s plačevanjem dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja in da bi ga bilo potrebno ukiniti. Nezadovoljni so z visokimi cenami zavarovalnih premij in dejstvom, da so le-te enake za vse, ne glede na dohodek posameznika. Ravno tako jih motijo doplačevanje za zdravila in dolge čakalne dobe. Ugotovili smo, da cena glede na spol ne vpliva na izbiro zavarovalnice. V diplomskem delu so prikazane tudi prednosti in slabosti dopolnilnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Z diplomskim delom je dan vpogled v dopolnilno zdravstveno zavarovanje in s tem boljše razumevanje le-tega. Zakaj torej prihaja do višanja cen zavarovalnih premij in zmanjšanja obsega pravic ter katere so možnosti za spremembo trenutnega sistema oziroma za ukinitev samega zavarovanja. Increasingly frequent co-payments for medicines, visits to private specialists, due to long queues and more difficult accesss to doctors, and the feeling of not being heard as a patient affect dissatisfaction with the health care system in Slovenia. The question is why we need to pay for public health care if it is becoming profitable activity. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the health care system in Slovenia, and above all to focus on supplementary health insurance. In the theoretical part, with the help of the descriptive method, supplementary health insurance is presented in more detail, how it has developed through history and its key features. Current issues and proposals for reforms of the current system are presented. In the empirical part, the analysis of the questionnaire analyzes the satisfaction of users with supplementary health insurance and whether the price of insurance premiums by gender (male / female) affects the choice of insurance company. We found that the majority of users do not agree with the payment of supplementary health insurance and that it should be abolished. They are dissatisfied with the high prices of insurance premiums and the fact that they are the same for everyone, regardless of an individual's income. They are also bothered by overpayments for medicines and long waiting times. We also found that price by gender does not affect the choice of insurance company. The SWOT matrix shows the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and dangers of supplementary health insurance. The diploma thesis provides an insight into supplementary health insurance and thus a better understanding of it. So why is there an increase in the price of insurance premiums and a reduction in the scope of rights, and what are the possibilities for changing the current system or abolishing the insurance itself.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..06a18fd51ca468e39c3393aaa93a5e2e