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Umetniško zbirateljstvo v Veliki Britaniji 19. stoletja: umetniški trg, okus in srednji razred

Authors :
Eršeg, Domen
Mahnič, Katja
Publication Year :


Konec 18. stoletja je Velika Britanija zares utrdila svoje dominanto mesto na gospodarskem trgu in postala glavna svetovna velesila. Njeni uspehi v gospodarski oziroma ekonomski sferi so se, poleg v statusno-družbeni sferi, seveda odražali tudi v umetniški sferi, in sicer predvsem kar zadeva zbirateljstvo in razvoj umetniškega trga. Rast trga z umetninami pa je bila logična posledica tudi povečanja razpoložljivega dohodka rastočega srednjega razreda – družbene skupine, ki je v 19. stoletju močno utrdila svoj položaj v družbi. Mednarodna razsežnost trga v smislu njegove ekspanzije je bila mogoča le zaradi povečane mobilnosti blaga, oseb in informacij, ki so bile spet odvisne od razvijajočega se družbenega, političnega, gospodarskega in tehnološkega razvoja z začetkom v 18. stoletju. Osrednja točka te zgodbe je bila t. i. »transportna revolucija«, ki je spodbujala razvoj evropske trgovine in s tem izmenjavo med nacionalnimi umetniškimi trgi, tako primarnimi kot sekundarnimi. Izboljšave cest in prometna infrastruktura nasploh pa so dodatno olajšale potovanja ter izvoz v tujino. Ponovno je bil srednji razred tisti, ki je imel največ koristi od lažjega in cenejšega dostopa do čezmejnega blaga, potovanj ter informacij. Njegovi pripadniki so obiskovali muzeje in razstave doma ter v tujini, bili naročeni na domače in tuje časopise ter druge publikacije o umetnosti, kupovali tiskane reprodukcije po slikah starih mojstrov, prav tako tudi originale in sodobne slikarske mojstrovine (vsaj v višjih slojih meščanstva, ki so tvorili novo elito) ter druga umetniška dela. Pri tem so seveda pomembno vplivali na britanski umetniški okus in umetniški svet celotnega 19. stoletja. At the end of the 18th century, Great Britain undoubtedly consolidated its dominant position in the economic market and became the major world power. Her success in the economic sphere was certainly also reflected in the art world, especially in terms of art collecting and the development of the art market. The growth of the latter was also a logical consequence of the increase in the disposable income of the growing middle class, a social group that in the 19th century had strongly reinforced its position in society. The international dimension of the market in terms of its expansion was only possible due to the increased mobility of goods, people and information, which again depended on evolving social, political, economic and technological developments already taking place in the 18th century. The focal point of this story was the so called "transport revolution" that fostered the development of European trade and thus exchanges between national art markets, both primary and secondary. The new and improved roads and transport infrastructure further facilitated travel and exports abroad. Again, it was the middle class that benefited the most from easier and cheaper access to foreign goods, travel and information. Its members were visiting museums and exhibitions at home and in other countries, subscribed to the British and foreign art publications, not only buying printed reproductions of paintings by old masters, but also originals and modern masterpieces (at least in the upper echelons of the bourgeoisie that formed the new elite) and other works of art. Subsequently they certainly had a significant influence on British artistic taste and therefore on the art world throughout the 19th century.


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