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- Publication Year :
- 2023
- Diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko stroškov električnih avtomobilov, in sicer od nakupa do vzdrževanja vozila. Diplomsko delo se začne z zgodovino električnih avtomobilov, do tega, kako so skoraj izumrli. Nato je govora o proizvajalcih električnih avtomobilov in s kakšnimi težavami se spoprijemajo. Diplomsko delo nato govori o vplivu električnih avtomobilov na okolje, saj naj bi bili to avtomobili prihodnosti, vendar je resnica lahko drugačna. Proti koncu diplomskega dela je osredotočenost na stroških električnih avtomobilov od nakupa do možnih subvencij v Republiki Sloveniji, lokacij in načinov polnjenja električnih avtomobilov ter na koncu vzdrževanja vozil. Na koncu diplomskega dela si lahko vsak, ki ga prebere, sam pri sebi ustvari mnenje glede električnih avtomobilov in presodi, ali so res prihodnost sveta oziroma ali se njihov nakup splača. The diploma thesis deals with the costs of electric cars from the purchase itself to the maintenance of the vehicle. The thesis begins with the history of electric cars and how they almost became extinct. Then there is talk of electric car manufacturers and what problems they face. The thesis then discusses the environmental impact of electric cars, because these are said to be the cars of the future, but that might not be the case. Towards the end of the thesis the focus is placed on the very costs of electric cars from their purchase, to possible subsidies in the Republic of Slovenia, the locations and methods of charging electric cars, and ultimately the maintenance of vehicles. At the end of the thesis, anyone who has read it can form their own opinion on electric cars and judge whether they really are the future of the world or whether their purchase is worth it.
- Subjects :
- Električni avtomobil
Electrical car
charging stations
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..023cf0d32d55aaf9b6f4a4f6fc71cd88