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Correlation between Farmers Motivation in Following Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship in Farming with Perception of Cooperatives Success

Authors :
Indriana, Odilia Mery
Simamora, Liska
Publication Year :


Kegiatan kewirausahaan bidang pertanian Indonesia khususnya petani tanaman pangan yaitu padi masih menjalankan aktivitas usahanya secara tradisional. Berbeda dengan yang ada di Desa Mlatiharjo, Kecamatan Gajah, Kabupaten Demak dimana masyarakat petani dan koperasi secara bersama-sama membangun usaha budidaya padi, produksi padi, dan pemasaran beras menggunakan sentuhan inovasi serta didukung oleh teknologi modern sehingga dapat menghasilkan beras berkualitas dan berdaya saing bernama Beras Melati. Hal tersebut dilakukan bersama-sama di bawah naungan Koperasi Citra Kinaraya. Dalam mengembangkan kegiatan usaha tersebut, para petani tidak akan lepas dari motivasi mengikuti koperasi dan kewirausahaan usahatani dalam dirinya sehingga petani yang tergabung didalamnya secara bersama-sama mampu membangun usaha pertanian yang inovatif dan mampu terus bertahan di tengah kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi petani mengikuti koperasi dan kewirausahaan dalam usahatani dengan persepsi terhadap keberhasilan koperasi. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi Rank Spearman pada taraf nyata 5% dan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variabel independen berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan persepsi terhadap keberhasilan koperasi. Variabel motivasi petani mengikuti koperasi memiliki hubungan kuat sedangkan kewirausahaan usatahani yang dilihat dari variabel inovasi memiliki hubungan lemah dan variabel berani mengambil risiko serta variabel kemampuan manajerial memiliki hubungan sedang dengan persepsi terhadap keberhasilan usaha koperasi. Entrepreneurial activities in Indonesian agriculture, especially food crop farmers, namely rice, are still carrying out their traditional business activities. It is different from the one in the village of Mlatiharjo, Gajah District, Demak Regency, where farming communities and cooperatives jointly built rice cultivation, rice production and rice marketing business using a touch of innovation and supported by modern technology so that they can produce quality and competitive rice called Beras Melati. This was done together under the auspices of the Citra Kinaraya Cooperative. In developing these business activities, farmers will not be separated from the motivation of entrepreneurship and farming entrepreneurship within themselves so that the farmers who are members of it are jointly able to build innovative agricultural businesses and are able to continue to survive amid advances in agricultural science and technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between farmer’s motivation to join cooperatives and entrepreneurship in farming with perceptions of the success of cooperatives. Data analysis used Rank Spearman correlation at 5% significance level and the results of the analysis show that all independent variables are significantly correlated with perceptions of cooperative success. Farmer’s motivation to join cooperatives has a strong relationship, while entrepreneurial entrepreneurship as seen from the innovation variable has a weak relationships and the risk-taking variable and managerial ability variable has a moderate relationship with perceptions of the success of cooperative businesses.


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