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Антиамериканизм в Южной Корее

Source :
Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет», 2016.


Исследуется проблема возникновения и существования антиамериканизма в Южной Корее. Рассматриваются особенности южнокорейского антиамериканизма. Анализируется развитие антиамериканских настроений в южнокорейском обществе. Особое место уделяется выявлению причин южнокорейского антиамериканизма, исходя из изучения прошлого Кореи. В качестве наиболее известного примера антиамериканизма приводится инцидент 2002 г., когда в результате военных учений США погибли две корейские школьницы.<br />The present paper is devoted to such a complex phenomenon as "anti-Americanism" in a case study of the nearest American ally South Korea. The authors considered the term "anti-Americanism" as a hostile attitude toward American lifestyle, policy, government, culture and American nation. In the authors' opinion, the strong economic, political and cultural ties with the US are among basic reasons of such a strong anti-Americanism. Nowadays anti-Americanism is getting more and more attention from western and South Korean mass media as well as from different academic communities. To the authors' mind, due to its geopolitical position, Korea has been influenced by its powerful neighbors since the ancient times, which has had an effect on Koreans and their mentality. That is why any encroachment on Korea's independence and domestic policy from the outside world is perceived by Koreans very painfully. Consequently, the main source of anti-American sentiment is considered to be the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA). It is an international agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing military forces in that country defining the rights and privileges of the military personnel. According to the SOFA, only the US courts have jurisdiction over crimes committed by military personnel in Korea. The paper considers in detail some facts about the crimes of American military on the territory of South Korea and the reaction of Koreans. The authors also state that the intensity of anti-Americanism depends on the left-wing movement activities. Nowadays, because of the increasing nuclear threat from the North and the aggressive Chinese policy, the intensity of anti-Americanism in South Korea has been declining. Taking into account such external conditions, it is disadvantageous for Koreans to oppose the US, their main supporter and ally. In the conclusion the authors note that despite the declining of anti-Americanism in South Korea, should any crime be committed by American military personnel, Koreans will go again to the streets with anti-American slogans because the problem of some unfair provisions of the SOFA has not been solved yet. That is why until amendments are made to the SOFA that will satisfy the Korean nation, anti-American sentiment will continue existing in South Korea.


Language :
1561803X and 15617793
Database :
Journal :
Вестник Томского государственного университета
Accession number :