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Source :
Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет», 2017.


Исследуются материалы о ходе второго Мараморош-Сиготского процесса 1913-1914 гг., которые печатались на страницах иркутской газеты «Сибирь». Периодическое издание достаточно объективно представляло сведения, обращало внимание на главные причины православного движения. Особенно подробно освещены слушания свидетелей и обвиняемых. Журналисты приходят к выводу, что большинство свидетелей делали признание под давлением полиции и жандармерии. Находим также урывки из выступления прокурора, судьи и адвокатов. Газета является важным источником по истории православной церкви в Закарпатье.<br />The purpose of this paper is to overview the content and the context of notes on the history of the Second Maramorosh Sighet Trial (1913-1914) published in the Irkutsk newspaper Sibir' [Siberia]. In the study, the author analyzed newspaper articles published from late December 1913 to early March 1914. The author proves for the first time in the historiography that the newspaper objectively reported on the progress of the Trial, focusing on the causes of the Orthodox movement, methods of carrying out pre-trial investigation, violence by the police and gendarmerie. The author showed that most of the defendants and witnesses refused to testify, claiming their innocence. On the basis of the research, the author highlighted the main issues raised at the Trial. These include cooperation with Russia, anti-state and anti-Uniate propaganda and illegal distribution of literature. Particular attention is paid to the questioning and testimony of the main defendants: Kabaljuk, Vorobchuk, Petrovci, Palkaninets. It was found that most of the arrested farmers were poor, little versed in political matters and had no education. The main reasons for the Orthodox movement were the socio-economic and religious factors which are demonstrated on the set of examples in the paper. The position of witnesses who supported the prosecution is shown. The author comes to a conclusion that they were an interested party and the operational part of the population of different settlements. Contacts of the leader of the Orthodox movement A. Kabaljuk with Count V. Bobrinsky, Gerovski brothers, representatives of Russian and Athos monasteries is shown as well. The position of various Austrian and Hungarian newspapers on the issue of the Trial is shown in the paper and the author highlighted that it was not straightforward. A separate list of farmers sentenced to various prison sentences and fines is presented. The public opinion reaction of Austria-Hungary, Russia and other countries on the verdict is analyzed as well. The author concludes that this source plays an important role in the study of Transcarpathian Church History of the early twentieth century. It is noted that the repressions of the peasants did not stop the Orthodox movement. The subsequent history of Transcarpathia indicates the geographical expansion of the Orthodox movement.


Language :
1561803X and 15617793
Database :
Journal :
Вестник Томского государственного университета
Accession number :