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Source :
Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет», 2017.


Рассматриваются основные особенности, связанные с проведением автороведческой экспертизы текстов протокола допроса. Исследуются юридические требования к составлению документов данного жанра и вызванные ими трудности определения границ авторского текста и разделения двух авторов. Рассматриваются стилевые и жанровые особенности протокола допроса и их роль в атрибуции протокола. На основе изучения обширного эмпирического материала разрабатывается методика анализа текстов данного жанра.<br />The paper aims to clarify basic characteristics of interview memo authorship examination. The object of research is the memo of interview and its characteristics that determine the complexity of authorship examination. The paper attempts to develop a procedure for interview memo authorship examination. The paper has an introduction and 5 parts: "The Authorial Text Borders", "Genre and Authorial Traits Demarcation", "Binary Authorship", "Relevant Characteristics System", "Authorship Examination Algorithm". The paper is addressed to those working in the field of forensic linguistics and of problems of authorship examination. The introduction tells about the importance of knowing genre traits for reasoned authorship attribution. The first part familiarizes readers with legal requirements to the form and content of the memo of interview. The basis of the following research is a conclusion that only the descriptive part of the interview memo is authorship analyzable. In the part "Genre and Authorial Traits Demarcation" the most important characteristics of the interview memo genre are described. The third part is devoted to the problem of two authors coexistence in the text of the memo of interview. The first author is the interviewee, the second is the interviewer. Of particular interest is an attempt to distinguish text elements of the two authors. The part "Relevant Characteristics System" is devoted to the analysis of the traditional authorship examination method. It is established that lexical-phraseological, stylistic and syntactical linguistic levels are most appropriate for interview memo authorship examination. The last part of the paper, "Authorship Examination Algorithm", generalizes the results of the research and proposes a series of steps of interview memo authorship examination. In the conclusion the author again speaks about special aspects of interview memo authorship examination and notes a necessity to find a new basis for the analysis of texts of this genre. The paper is illustrated with two tables. The firs table illustrates the essay to distinguish text elements of the first and of the second authors. The second table expresses steps of interview memo authorship examination. The article contains a list of references.


Language :
1561803X and 15617793
Database :
Journal :
Вестник Томского государственного университета
Accession number :