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Иранский Курдистан в русско-германских отношениях накануне Первой мировой войны

Source :
Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет», 2016.


Статья посвящена германо-российскому противостоянию в Иранском Курдистане накануне Первой мировой войны. На основе анализа широкого круга источников и научной литературы предпринята попытка дать объективную оценку тем историческим событиям и процессам, которые происходили в этом регионе в начале ХХ в. В работе раскрываются предпосылки возникновения, формы и методы соперничества двух европейских держав за преобладание в курдских провинциях шахского Ирана, а также освещаются основные результаты этой борьбы.<br />The article describes the complex research on the problems of the Russian-German conflict in Iranian Kurdistan on the eve of the First World War (1907-1914). On the basis of a wide range of sources, which include archival materials, official publications of documents and analysis of the scientific literature on the subject, an attempt was made to give an objective assessment to the historical events that occurred in this region in the first third of the twentieth century. The development of the German-Russian rivalry in the Kurdish provinces of Iran in 1907-1914 is characterized. The place given to the Kurdish question in the system of foreign policy goals and objectives of the two great European powers in the Middle Eastern arena in the period under review is determined. Prerequisites of the Kaiser's Germany policy formation on Iranian Kurds in the context of the general doctrine of Drang nach Osten, as well as the policy of the Russian Empire aimed at preserving its economic and political dominance of the North-western Iran and at ensuring the safety of its Transcaucasia possessions, are disclosed. The paper reflects the means of penetration of Russia and Germany in Iranian Kurdistan on the eve of the First World War. The German leadership, using the methods of economic penetration and political maneuvering, was meant to win a strong position among the Iranian Kurds in order to continue to use them in their expansion to the East and the Caucasus. This desire, of course, met serious opposition on the part of the tsarist government. The paper studies the forms and methods of the Russian-German conflict in Iranian Kurdistan on the eve of the First World War and the main results of this struggle. Attention is also paid to the discussion that ensued among the Russian diplomats on the issue regarding the use of the Kurdish factor in Russia's interests in the Middle and the Near East. The ability to act and blunders of the German and Russian governments in their policies towards the Kurds are analyzed. It is concluded that, overall, the German policy in Iranian Kurdistan in 1907-1914 was much more successful than the Russian. The ruling circles of the Kaiser's Germany with the help of its agents were able to establish strong ties with the Iranian Kurds, have a significant impact on them and undermine the position of their rival. It was later successfully used by the German commanders during combat operations in the initial phase of hostilities at the Turkish-Asian arena of the First World War.


Language :
1561803X, 15617793, and 19071914
Database :
Journal :
Вестник Томского государственного университета
Accession number :