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Source :
Вестник Томского государственного университета.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет», 2017.


Показана история Ярославского Демидовского юридического лицея в 1900-1914 гг. Дается характеристика учебного процесса и сословного состава учащихся, анализируются квалификация и материальное положение профессорско-преподавательского состава. Отмечены расцвет регионального высшего образования в 1900-1904 и 1908-1913 гг. и упадок 1905-1907 гг., связанный с революцией. Рассматривается студенческое движение в период первой российской революции. Описан вывод о влиянии общероссийских процессов на региональное образование. Подчеркнуто, что Ярославский Демидовский юридический лицей в исследуемое время играл важную роль в системе высшего образования Российской империи.<br />The article is devoted to the study of the history of a higher education institution Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum at the beginning of the 20th century. The aim of the article is to analyze the trends in the development of regional higher education in this chronological framework by the example of the Demidov Lyceum. The study mainly used archival materials clerical work documentation and statistical sources. The paper describes the student movement, which was a response to the events of January 9, 1905. The students joined the demonstrations of the workers, and refused to study before the introduction of the country's representative form of government. Russian higher education institutions, including Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum, stopped working for about 9 months, until the first of September, 1906. After these events, in the 1906-1907 academic year, higher school students from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other universities expelled for participating in the revolutionary movement joined the numbers of the Yaroslavl Lyceum students. Student unrest stopped after 1907. At the beginning of the century, a significant democratization of education occurred. Analysis of the statistical data leads to a conclusion that there was classless education in the Demidov Lyceum in the prewar period, that more than 50% of its students paid for their education, that there was a scholarship program and a clear predominance of the dominant religion Orthodoxy. The paper also provides a detailed list of the Lyceum teaching staff and administration who worked at the beginning of the 20th century, reports information about their education, salary and title. Famous lawyers such as Professor S.M. Shpilevsky, a known Russian historian of law and archaeologist, Professor V.M. Gordon, an outstanding expert in civil law, Professor I.Ya. Gurlyand, Doctor of Police Law, in the future one of the closest staff of ministers P.A. Stolypin and B.V. Sturmer, E.N. Berendts, the largest expert in Finnish law in the country, the future senator of the Provisional Government and Minister of Justice in the government of the Hetman P.P. Skoropadsky in the Ukraine, Professor L.S. Tal, the initiator of the study of labor law as a since, and others worked in the lyceum. The author comes to a general conclusion that Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum played an important role in the system of domestic higher school, and was one of the centers of legal education. Despite the short-dated decline during the First Russian Revolution in 1905-1907, the regional higher education in the Russian Empire flourished at the beginning of the 20th century, at both the national and the regional levels.


Language :
1561803X and 15617793
Database :
Journal :
Вестник Томского государственного университета
Accession number :