XV. Researches on heat. Third series . § 1. On the unequally polarizable nature of different kinds of heat . § 2. On the depolarization of heat . § 3. On the refrangibility of heat
Forbes, James D. XV. Researches on Heat. Third Series . § 1. On the Unequally Polarizable Nature of Different Kinds of Heat . § 2. On the Depolarization of Heat . § 3. On the Refrangibility of Heat. July 1838. EBSCOhost,
Forbes, J. D. (1838). XV. Researches on heat. Third series . § 1. On the unequally polarizable nature of different kinds of heat . § 2. On the depolarization of heat . § 3. On the refrangibility of heat.
Forbes, James D. 1838. “XV. Researches on Heat. Third Series . § 1. On the Unequally Polarizable Nature of Different Kinds of Heat . § 2. On the Depolarization of Heat . § 3. On the Refrangibility of Heat,” July.