Characterization of outcomes and practices utilized in the management of internal carotid artery injury not requiring definitive endovascular management
London, Jr. ..Nyall R.AlQahtani, Abdulaziz Barbosa, Siani and Castelnuovo, Paolo Locatelli, Davide Stamm, Aldo and Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A.Elbosraty, Hussam Casiano, Roy Morcos, Jacques Pasquini, Ernesto Frank, Georgio Mazzatenta, Diego and Barkhoudarian, Garni Griffiths, Chester Kelly, Daniel and Georgalas, Christos Janakiram, Trichy N.Nicolai, Piero and Prevedello, Daniel M.Carrau, Ricardo L. Characterization of Outcomes and Practices Utilized in the Management of Internal Carotid Artery Injury Not Requiring Definitive Endovascular Management. Jan. 2021. EBSCOhost,
London, J. . N. R. A. A. B. S. and C. P. L. D. S. A. and C.-G. A. A. E. H. C. R. M. J. P. E. F. G. M. D. and B. G. G. C. K. D. and G. C. J. T. N. N. P. and P. D. M. C. R. L. (2021). Characterization of outcomes and practices utilized in the management of internal carotid artery injury not requiring definitive endovascular management.
London, Jr., Nyall R. AlQahtani, Abdulaziz Barbosa, Siani and Castelnuovo, Paolo Locatelli, Davide Stamm, Aldo and Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A. Elbosraty, Hussam Casiano, Roy Morcos, Jacques Pasquini, Ernesto Frank, Georgio Mazzatenta, Diego and Barkhoudarian, Garni Griffiths, Chester Kelly, Daniel and Georgalas, Christos Janakiram, Trichy N. Nicolai, Piero and Prevedello, Daniel M. Carrau, Ricardo L. 2021. “Characterization of Outcomes and Practices Utilized in the Management of Internal Carotid Artery Injury Not Requiring Definitive Endovascular Management,” January.