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A worldwide perspective of sepsis epidemiology and survival according to age: Observational data from the ICON audit

Authors :
Kotfis, Katarzyna Wittebole, Xavier Jaschinski, Ulrich and Sole-Violan, Jordi Kashyap, Rahul Leone, Marc Nanchal, Rahul and Fontes, Luis E. Sakr, Yasser Vincent, Jean-Louis Tomas, E. Bibonge, E. Amisi Charra, B. Faroudy, M. Doedens, L. and Farina, Z. Adler, D. Balkema, C. Kok, A. Alaya, S. and Gharsallah, H. Muzha, D. Temelkov, A. Georgiev, G. and Simeonov, G. Tsaryanski, G. Georgiev, S. Seliman, A. and Vrankovic, S. Vucicevic, Z. Gornik, I Barsic, B. and Husedzinovic, I Pavlik, P. Manak, J. Kieslichova, E. and Turek, R. Fischer, M. Valkova, R. Dadak, L. Dostal, P. and Malaska, J. Hajek, R. Zidkova, A. Lavicka, P. and Starkopf, J. Kheladze, Z. Chkhaidze, M. Kaloiani, V and Medve, L. Sarkany, A. Kremer, I Marjanek, Z. Tamasi, P. and Krupnova, I Vanags, I Liguts, V Pilvinis, V and Vosylius, S. Kekstas, G. Balciunas, M. Kolbusz, A. and Kubler, A. Mielczarek, B. Mikaszewska-Sokolewicz, M. Kotfis, K. Tamowicz, B. Sulkowski, W. Smuszkiewicz, P. Pihowicz, A. Trejnowska, E. Hagau, N. Filipescu, D. Droc, G. and Lupu, M. Nica, A. Stoica, R. Tomescu, D. Constantinescu, D. Zbaganu, G. Valcoreanu Slavcovici, A. Bagin, V and Belsky, D. Palyutin, S. Shlyapnikov, S. Bikkulova, D. and Gritsan, A. Natalia, G. Makarenko, E. Kokhno, V Tolkach, A. Kokarev, E. Belotserkovskiy, B. Zolotukhin, K. and Kulabukhov, V Soskic, L. Palibrk, I Jankovic, R. and Jovanovic, B. Pandurovic, M. Bumbasirevic, V Uljarevic, B. and Surbatovic, M. Ladjevic, N. Slobodianiuk, G. Sobona, V and Cikova, A. Gebhardtova, A. Jun, C. Yunbo, S. Dong, U. Feng, S. Duan, M. Xu, Y. Xue, X. Gao, T. and Xing, X. Zhao, X. Li, C. Gengxihua, G. Tan, H. Xu, J. Jiang, L. Tiehe, Q. Bingyu, Q. Shi, Q. Lv, Z. and Zhang, L. Jingtao, L. Zhen, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, T. and Yuhong, L. Zhai, Q. Chen, Y. Wang, C. Jiang, W. and Ruilan, W. Chen, Y. Xiaobo, H. Ge, H. Yan, T. Yuhui, C. Zhang, J. Jian-Hong, F. Zhu, H. Huo, F. Wang, Y. and Li, C. Zhuang, M. Ma, Z. Sun, J. Liuqingyue, L. and Yang, M. Meng, J. Ma, S. Kang, Y. Yu, L. Peng, Q. and Wei, Y. Zhang, W. Sun, R. Yeung, A. Wan, W. Sin, K. Lee, K. Wijanti, M. Widodo, U. Samsirun, H. and Sugiman, T. Wisudarti, C. Maskoen, T. Hata, N. Kobe, Y. and Nishida, O. Miyazaki, D. Nunomiya, S. Uchino, S. and Kitamura, N. Yamashita, K. Hashimoto, S. Fukushima, H. and Adib, N. Nik Tai, L. Tony, B. Bigornia, R. Palo, J. and Chatterjee, S. Tan, B. Kong, A. Goh, S. Lee, C. and Pothirat, C. Khwannimit, B. Theerawit, P. Pornsuriyasak, P. and Piriyapatsom, A. Mukhtar, A. Dsicu Hamdy, A. Nabil and Hosny, H. Ashraf, A. Mokhtari, M. Nowruzinia, S. Lotfi, A. Zand, F. Nikandish, R. Moghaddam, O. Moradi Cohen, J. and Sold, O. Sfeir, T. Hasan, A. Abugaber, D. Ahmad, H. and Tantawy, T. Baharoom, S. Algethamy, H. Amr, A. and Almekhlafi, G. Coskun, R. Sungur, M. Cosar, A. and Gucyetmez, B. Demirkiran, O. Senturk, E. Ulusoy, H. and Atalan, H. Serin, S. Kati, I Alnassrawi, Z. Almemari, A. and Krishnareddy, K. Kashef, S. Alsabbah, A. Poirier, G. and Marshall, J. Herridge, M. Herridge, M. Fernandez-Medero, R. and Fulda, G. Banschbach, S. Quintero, J. Schroeder, E. and Sicoutris, C. Gueret, R. Kashyap, R. Bauer, P. Nanchal, R. Wunderink, R. Jimenez, E. Ryan, A. Prince, D. and Edington, J. Van Haren, F. Bersten, A. Hawkins, D. J. and Kilminster, M. Sturgess, D. Ziegenfuss, M. O'Connor, S. and Lipman, J. Campbell, L. Mcallister, R. Roberts, B. and Williams, P. Parke, R. Seigne, P. Freebairn, R. Nistor, D. Oxley, C. Young, P. Valentini, R. Wainsztein, N. and Comignani, P. Casaretto, M. Sutton, G. Villegas, P. and Galletti, C. Neira, J. Rovira, D. Hidalgo, J. Sandi, F. and Caser, E. Thompson, M. D'agostino Dias, M. Fontes, L. and Lunardi, M. Youssef, N. Lobo, S. Silva, R. Sales Jr, J. Madeira Campos Melo, L. Oliveira, M. Fonte, M. Grion, C. Feijo, C. Rezende, V Assuncao, M. Neves, A. and Gusman, P. Dalcomune, D. Teixeira, C. Kaefer, K. Maia, I and Souza Dantas, V Costa Filho, R. Amorim, F. Assef, M. and Schiavetto, P. Houly, J. Bianchi, F. Dias, F. Avila, C. and Gomez, J. Rego, L. Castro, P. Passos, J. Mendes, C. and Grion, C. Colozza Mecatti, G. Ferrreira, M. Irineu, V and Guerreiro, M. Ugarte, S. Tomicic, V Godoy, C. and Samaniego, W. Escamilla, I Castro Castro, L. Libreros Duque, G. Diaz-Guio, D. Benitez, F. Guerra Urrego, A. Buitrago, R. Ortiz, G. Villalba Gaviria, M. Salas, D. and Ramirez-Arce, J. Salgado, E. Morocho, D. Vergara, J. and Chung Sang, M. Orellana-Jimenez, C. Garrido, L. Diaz, O. and Resiere, D. Osorio, C. De La Vega, A. Carrillo, R. and Sanchez, V Villagomez, A. Martinez Zubieta, R. Sandia, M. and Zalatiel, M. Poblano, M. Rodriguez Gonzalez, D. and Arrazola, F. Juan Francisco, L. Liamendys-Silva, S. A. and Hernandez, M. Rodriguez Cadena, D. Lopez Islas, I. and Ballesteros Zarzavilla, C. Matos, A. Oyanguren, I Cerna, J. and Quispe Sierra, R. Jimenez, R. Castillo, L. Ocal, R. and Sencan, A. Gianoni, S. Mareque Deicas, A. Hurtado, J. and Burghi, G. Martinelli, A. Von der Osten, I Du Maine, C. and Bhattacharyya, M. Bandyopadhyay, S. Yanamala, S. Gopal, P. and Sahu, S. Ibrahim, M. Rathod, D. Mukundan, N. Dewan, A. Amin, P. Samavedam, S. Shah, B. Gurupal, D. and Lahkar, B. Mandal, A. Sircar, M. Ghosh, S. and Balasubramani, V Kapadia, F. Vadi, S. Nair, K. Tripathy, S. Nandakumar, S. Sharma, J. Kar, A. Jha, S. Gurav, K. Zirpe Patel, M. Bhaysar, A. Samaddar, D. Kulkarni, A. and Hashmi, M. Ali, W. Nadeem, S. Indraratna, K. and Margarit, A. Urbanek, P. Schlieber, J. Reisinger, J. and Auer, U. Hartjes, A. Lerche, A. Janous, T. Kink, E. and Krahulec, W. Smolle, K. Van der Schueren, M. Thibo, P. and Vanhoof, M. Ahmet, I Gadisseux, P. Dufaye, P. Jacobs, O. and Fraipont, V Biston, P. Dive, A. Bouckaert, Y. and Gilbert, E. Gressens, B. Pinck, E. Collin, V Vincent, J. L. De Waele, J. Rimachi, R. Gusu, D. De Decker, K. and Mandianga, K. Heytens, L. Wittebole, X. Spapen, H. and Olivier, V Vandenheede, W. Rogiers, P. Kolodzeike, P. and Kruse, M. Andersen, T. Harjola, V Saarinen, K. Leone, M. and Durocher, A. Moulront, S. Lepape, A. Losser, M. and Cabaret, P. Kalaitzis, E. Zogheib, E. Charve, P. and Francois, B. Lefrant, J. Y. Beilouny, B. Forceville, X. and Misset, B. Jacobs, F. Floccard, B. Payen, D. Wynckel, A. and Castelain, V Faure, A. Lavagne, P. Thierry, I and Moussa, M. Vieillard-Baron, A. Durand, M. Gainnier, M. and Ichai, C. Arens, S. Hoffmann, C. Kaffarnik, M. and Scharnofske, C. Voigt, I Peckelsen, C. Weber, M. Gille, J. Lange, A. Schoser, G. Sablotzki, A. Jaschinski, U. and Bluethgen, A. Vogel, F. Tscheu, A. Fuchs, T. and Wattenberg, M. Helmes, T. Scieszka, S. Heintz, M. Sakka, S. Kohler, J. Fiedler, F. Danz, M. Sakr, Y. Riessen, R. Kerz, T. Kersten, A. Tacke, F. Marx, G. Volkert, T. Schmutz, A. Nierhaus, A. Kluge, S. Abel, P. and Janosi, R. Utzolino, S. Bracht, H. Toussaint, S. and Peftoulidou, M. Giannakou Myrianthefs, P. Armaganidis, A. and Routsi, C. Xini, A. Mouloudi, E. Kokoris, I and Kyriazopoulos, G. Vlachos, S. Lavrentieva, A. Partala, P. and Nakos, G. Moller, A. Stefansson, S. Barry, J. and O'Leary, R. Motherway, C. Faheem, M. Dunne, E. Donnelly, M. Konrad, T. Bonora, E. Achilli, C. Rossi, S. and Castiglione, G. Penis, A. Albanese, D. Stocchetti, N. and Citerio, G. Mozzoni, L. Sisillo, E. De Negri, P. and Savioli, M. Vecchiarelli, P. Puflea, F. Stankovic, V and Minoja, G. Montibeller, S. Calligaro, P. Sorrentino, R. and Feri, M. Zambon, M. Colombaroli, E. Giarratano, A. and Pellis, T. Capra, C. Antonelli, M. Gullo, A. Chelazzi, C. De Capraris, A. Patroniti, N. Girardis, M. Franchi, F. Berlot, G. Buttigieg, M. Ponssen, H. Cate, J. Ten and Bormans, L. Husada, S. Buise, M. Van Der Hoven, B. and Reidinga, A. Kuiper, M. Pickkers, P. Kluge, G. Den Boer, S. Kesecioglu, J. Van Leeuwen, H. Flaatten, H. Mo, S. and Branco, V Rua, F. Lafuente, E. Sousa, M. Catorze, N. and Barros, M. Pereira, L. De Oliveira, A. Vintern Gomes, J. and Gaspar, I Pereira, M. Cymbron, M. Dias, A. Almeida, E. Beirao, S. Serra, I Ribeiro, R. Povoa, P. Faria, F. Costa-E-Silva, Z. Nobrega, A. Fernandes, F. Gabriel, J. Voga, G. Rupnik, E. Kosec, L. Povsic, M. Kerin and Osojnik, I Tomic, V Sinkovic, A. Gonzalez, J. Zavala, E. and Perez Valenzuela, A. Marina, L. Vidal-Cortes, P. Posada, I Ignacio Martin-Loeches, A. Munoz Guillen, N. Palomar, M. and Sole-Violan, U. Torres, A. Gonzalez Gallego, M. Aguilar, G. Montoiro Allue, R. Argueso, M. Parejo, M. Palomo Navarro, M. Jose, A. Nin, N. Alvarez Lerma, F. Martinez, O. Tenza Lozano, E. Arenal Lopez, S. Perez Granda, M. and Moreno, S. Llubia, C. De la Fuente Martos, C. and Gonzalez-Arenas, P. Llamas Fernandez, N. Gil Rueda, B. and Estruch Pons, I Cruza, N. Maroto, F. Estella, A. Ferrer, A. Iglesias Fraile, L. Quindos, B. Quintano, A. Tebar, M. Cardinal, I Reyes, A. Rodriguez, A. Abella, A. and Garcia Del Valle, S. Yus, S. Maseda, E. Berezo, U. and Tejero Pedregosa, A. Laplaza, C. Ferrer, R. Rico-Feijoo, U. and Rodriguez, M. Monedero, P. Eriksson, K. Lind, D. and Chabanel, D. Zender, H. Heer, K. Frankenberger, B. and Jakob, S. Mathew, S. Downes, R. Groba, C. Barrera and Johnston, A. Meacher, R. Keays, R. Haji-Michael, P. and Tyler, C. Ferguson, A. Jones, S. Tyl, D. Ball, A. and Vogel, U. Booth, M. Downie, P. Watters, M. Brett, S. and Garfield, M. Everett, L. Heenen, S. Dhir, S. Beardow, Z. and Mostert, M. Brosnan, S. Pinto, N. Harris, S. and Summors, A. Andrew, N. Rose, A. Appelboam, R. Davies, O. and Vickers, E. Agarwal, B. Szakmany, T. Wimbush, S. and Welters, I Pearse, R. Hollands, R. Kirk-Bayley, U. and Fletcher, N. Bray, B. Brealey, D. ICON Investigators
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Purpose: To investigate age-related differences in outcomes of critically ill patients with sepsis around the world. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of data from the prospective ICON audit, in which all adult ( >16 years ) patients admitted to participating ICUs between May 8 and 18, 2012, were included, except admissions for routine postoperative observation. For this sub-analysis, the 10,012 patients with completed age data were included. They were divided into five age groups - 80 years. Sepsis was defined as infection plus at least one organ failure. Results: A total of 2963 patients had sepsis, with similar proportions across the age groups (80 = 30.9%). Hospital mortality increased with age and in patients >80 years was almost twice that of patients 70 years was independently associated with increased risk of dying. Conclusions: The odds for death in ICU patients with sepsis increased with age with the maximal rate of increase occurring between the ages of 71 and 77 years. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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