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Теоретико-методологические основы технологического менеджмента

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Сумський державний університет, 2016.


У статті на основі критичного аналізу наявних розробок щодо тлумачення змісту, цілей та функцій технологічного менеджменту, сформовано авторське трактування теоретико-методологічних засад цього відносно нового для України функціонального виду менеджменту, визначена його актуальність для інноваційно активних підприємств усіх видів економічної діяльності. Обґрунтовано цільове спрямування технологічного менеджменту, визначений його об’єкт та основні суб’єкти. Методологічною основою технологічного менеджменту визнано концепцію відкритих інновацій. Визначена доцільність розкриття змісту таких функцій технологічного менеджменту, як: цілевизначення, аналіз, планування, організація, координація, мотивація, контроль. Виокремлені основні підсистеми технологічного менеджменту та розкрито його базовий інструментарій. В статье на основе критического анализа имеющихся разработок относительно содержания, целей и функций технологического менеджмента, сформирована авторская трактовка теоретико-методологических основ этого относительно нового для Украины функционального вида менеджмента, определена его актуальность для инновационно активных предприятий всех видов экономической деятельности. Обоснована целевая ориентация технологического менеджмента, определен его объект и основные субъекты. Методологической основой технологического менеджмента признано концепцию открытых инноваций. Определена целесообразность раскрытия содержания таких функций технологического менеджмента, как: целеполагание, анализ, планирование, организация, координация, мотивация, контроль. Выделены подсистемы технологического менеджмента и раскрыт его базовый инструментарий. The aim of the article. In the article there are critically analyzed the existing developments about the content, objectives and functions of technological management, which allowed to identify such approaches as target, process, functional, philosophical, resource and competitive ones. The results of the analysis. While integrating them there was formed the author's interpretation of theoretical and methodological foundations of this relatively new functional type of management for Ukraine, which represented the system of principles and methods of taking and implementing complex management decisions aimed at efficient use of available technological resources and technological development of the company. There are also grounded the purposes of technological management, which are: technological development of enterprises, that is purposeful, continuous (constantly organized) process of irreversible changes in production processes (technologies) of enterprise economic activity that provoke (cause) the corresponding development of the fixed assets (which provide them), staff (which implements and use them) and intangible assets (which identify their creation or use), which together enable to ensure technological competitiveness of the enterprise and development of the market of technologies in general. The object of such management is defined, which are: technological processes, preconditions (technological potential) and the consequences of their implementation (technological competitiveness of the enterprise). There are identified the key subjects of technological management, their interests and spheres of responsibilities. The methodological basis of technological management is considered to be the concept of open innovations by H. Chesbro which, on the one hand, means deliberate involvement of external ideas and technologies; active cooperation of all stakeholders in the company as to the formation of new ideas aimed at systematic improving the product, increasing its value, solving technological problems; on the other hand, commercialization of intellectual property, that is their own ideas and technologies, especially those ones which are not used in the company, in order to develop new parallel and (or) complementary businesses, to get extra money. It is feasible to describe the content of such functions of technological management as purpose setting, analysis, planning, organization, coordination, motivation and control. There are identified specific features and interrelation of three levels of technological management, which are: strategic, tactical and operational ones. Technological management should be continuous, at all the stages of the life cycle of technologies, which are used at a particular company. Conclusions and directions of further researches. It enables to emphasize such subsystems of technological management as control over improvement of the existing technologies and development of new ones (right inside the company), including making R&D, development of invention and rationalization; control over involvement (from the outside) and acquisition of new technologies (formation of the incoming technological stream, participation in transfer of technologies as a recipient); control over implementation of new technologies (over the portfolio of technological projects); control over widespread implementation of the developed technology (technological knowledge) outside the company (formation of the outcoming technological stream, participation in technology transfer as a donor); control over the use of current technologies (technology portfolio) during their life cycle, including the timely withdrawal of outdated technologies. It is described the content of the basic tools of technological management which uses achievements of the related sciences and types of management, including: technological diagnostics, technological audit, technological forecasting, technological strategy, technological marketing and others.


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