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Authors :
Stanojević, Željko
Lenart, Gregor
Source :
Publication Year :


Spletno oglaševanje oz. spletni marketing je danes najbolj učinkovit način promocije podjetij, dejavnosti, storitev. Spletno oglaševanje je cenovno najugodnejše glede na vsa ostala, kot je recimo po radiju, televiziji ali tisku. Z vsakim dnem, ko smo brez spletne strani, izgubljamo potencialne stranke. Naša spletna stran mora postati ogledalo našega podjetja, podoba, ki jo vidi obiskovalec, ga mora prepričati, da smo ravno mi najboljša izbira za nakup izdelka ali storitve, ki jo išče. Spletna stran Blejske e-konference je na pogled zastarela in ni ustrezna glede na podobo, ki bi jo kot vodilna konferenca na temo e-poslovanja v svetovnem merilu morala predstavljati. V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali problem prenove spletne strani Blejske e-konference. Naročnik naloge je Falkulteta za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Problema smo se lotili tako, da smo najprej analizirali obstoječe stranje, preučili sorodne spletne strani ter naredili načrt novega spletnega mesta. Pri tem smo upoštevali zahteve, ki jih je postavil naročnik ter smernice sodobnega oblikovanja spletnih strani. Prenove smo se lotili s pomočjo odprtokodnega sistema za urejanje spletnih vsebin CMS Drupal. Rezultat naloge je predlog nove spletne strani, implementirane v sistemu za urejanje vsebin Drupal. Online advertising is todays most effective way of presenting businesses, operations, services. Online advertising provides us with best prices of advertising compared to others, such as radio advertising, television advertising or print. Each day without having our own web page, we lose potential customers. Our web page must become mirror image of our enterprise. The web page image that visitors see, must convince them that we are the best choise to buy the product or service, which they seek. Website of Bled e-conference is visually outdated and not suitable for the leading e-conference in the world. In this thesis we address the problem of website reconstruction of Bled e-conference. Our client is Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. We have started the project by firstly analazing current situation, then we analized other related sites and made a design for the new website. In doing so, we considered requirements set by the client and guidance of modern web design. We started renewal with the help of open-source system for managing online content CSM Drupal. Result of the paper is the proposal of a new website, implemented in the content management system Drupal.


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