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Angleške izposojenke iz romanskih jezikov

Authors :
Rutar, Ana
Šabec, Nada
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Rutar, 2016.


English has had an interesting history and during its development came into contact with various other cultures and languages. Thus, the present thesis presents English loanwords from the Romance languages, i.e. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Each of them came into contact with English during different periods and for different reasons. One of the outcomes of contacts between languages are loanwords. The first part of my diploma paper focuses on theoretical points about historical events that connect English, Romance languages and borrowing, and adds explanations about types of loanwords and reasons for their transference. The second part focuses on the interaction between English and each of the four Romance languages, their mutual historical background, exchanged loanwords, their semantic fields, specific reasons for their borrowing, and changes during assimilation. In addition, an analysis of etymological origin of the chosen loanwords was made for each language specifically. In the last part of the thesis, conclusions are drawn about the aspects that English and the Romance languages have in common and those that historically and sociolinguisticly differentiate them. Angleščina je imela pestro zgodovino, saj je prišla med svojim razvojem v stik z mnogimi jeziki in kulturami. Diplomska naloga zato obravnava izposojenke iz romanskih jezikov, tj. francoščine, italijanščine, španščine in portugalščine v angleščini. Vsak od njih je prišel v stik z angleščino v različnih obdobjih in iz različnih razlogov. Eden od učinkov teh jezikovnih stikov so številne izposojenke. Prvi del diplomske naloge se teoretično ukvarja z zgodovinskimi dogodki, ki povezujejo angleščino, romanske jezike in izposojanje, predstavi tipe izposojenk ter razloge za njihov prenos. V drugem delu je poudarek na interakciji angleščine z vsakim romanskim jezikom posebej, predstavljena je njuna skupna zgodovina, izposojenke, njihova semantična polja, specifični razlogi za izposojanje in spremembe med njihovo asimilacijo. Temu sledijo analizirane izbrane besede, tj. njihov etimološki izvor, za vsak jezik posebej. V zadnjem delu je narejen še zaključek o vidikih, ki angleščino in romanske jezike zgodovinsko in sociolingvistično povezujejo ali razlikujejo.


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