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Dojemanje sekstinga med mladoletniki
- Source :
- Ljubljana
- Publication Year :
- 2014
- Publisher :
- S. Dvanajščak, 2014.
- Diplomska naloga se deli na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem delu sta v prvi vrsti opisana tehnološki vpliv na pojav sekstinga in definicija samega pojava različnih avtorjev – seksting je pošiljanje/izmenjavanje napol golih ali golih fotografij z vrstniki preko spleta ali mobilnega telefona. Opisani so razlogi in tveganja samega dejanja ter posledice, ki jih razdelimo na pravne in družbene. Obe skupini posledic lahko zelo vplivata na naša življenja in pustita dolgotrajne posledice. Pojasnjena je tudi pravno zakonska ureditev s pravnimi primeri in zakonodajnimi odzivi raznih držav na problematiko sekstinga. V Sloveniji se razširjanje golih ali napol golih fotografij sebe ali mladoletnika obravnava kot kaznivo dejanje in se lahko kaznuje z zaporno kaznijo od 6 mesecev do 8 let. Vloga družbe ima velik vpliv na pogled in razumevanje sekstinga, zato so v teoretičnem delu opisani nasveti za starše, učitelje in tudi mlade, kako preprečiti in se spopasti s pojavom sekstinga. Naštetih je tudi pet večjih raziskav na področju sekstinga, ki prikazujejo resnično pogostost tega pojava, a razkrivajo, da je seksting iz leta v leto v upadu. Drugi, raziskovalni del diplomske naloge predstavlja raziskavo in analizo anketnega vprašalnika, katere namen je ugotoviti kakšno je razumevanje sekstinga med mladimi, v kolikšni meri ga prakticirajo in če se zavedajo dejanskih negativnih posledic samega pojava. Na podlagi rezultatov analize anketnega vprašalnika smo testirali zastavljene hipoteze diplomske naloge. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and research section. The theoretical part primarily describes the technological impact on the phenomenon of sexting and introduces the definition of this phenomenon by different authors – seksting is sending/sharing nude or semi-nude photos with peers via the Internet or a mobile phone. The thesis describes the reasons for and the risks of such behaviour as well as its consequences, which are divided into the legal and social ones. Both groups of consequences can greatly influence our lives and cause lasting repercussions. Furthermore, regularisation is explained along with legal cases and legislative responses of different countries to the issue of sexting. In Slovenia, the distribution of nude or semi-nude photos of oneself or a minor can be considered a criminal act and can be punished by 6 months to 8 years in prison. The role of the society has a huge impact on the view and understanding of sexting, therefore the theoretical part offers parents, teachers and the youth some tips on how to prevent and deal with the issue of sexting. Five major researches on sexting are listed, which show the true frequency of the phenomenon, but also reveal that sexting is in decline. The research part of the thesis presents research and analysis of the questionnaire, its intention being to determine the understanding of sexting among young people, the extent of its practice and whether the youth are aware of the negative consequences of the phenomenon. Based on the results of the analysis of our questionnaire we tested the hypotheses of the thesis.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Ljubljana
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..f24a3b05fb43d9d78bafdf788468f5f8