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Entrepreneurial Activity, Aspirations and Attitude towards Entrepreneurship

Authors :
Rebernik, Miroslav
Tominc, Polona
Crnogaj, Katja
Source :
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Publisher :
Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2017.


Čeravno se glede na posamezne razvojne stopnje gospodarstva in družbe spreminja pomen in vpliv različnih tipov podjetništva, je podjetništvo vselej pomembno, saj zagotavlja in omogoča razvoj. Proučevanje podjetništva zato pomeni predvsem proučevanje temeljne gonilne sile, to je podjetnika in njegovih ambicij, inovativnosti in podjetnosti, pa tudi strahov in razlogov, ki preprečujejo, da bi se usposobljeni posamezniki usmerili v podjetništvo. Globalni podjetniški monitor (GEM) , ki proučuje svetovno podjetništvo že vse od leta 1999, prav posameznikom posveča posebno pozornost in svoja spoznanja gradi na informacijah, ki jih z obširnim anketiranjem pridobiva neposredno od njih. Ti posamezniki živijo in delajo v zelo različnih ekonomskih, socialnih, kulturnih in političnih okoljih, kar pomembno določa njihova hotenja in ravnanja, ki jih z našim raziskovanjem poskušamo spoznati in razumeti. Ob splošnih pogojih, ki spodbujajo ali pospešujejo podjetništvo v posamezni državi, se GEM osredotoča na tri sklope in sicer odnos do podjetništva, vključevanje v podjetniške aktivnosti in aspiracije podjetnikov. Za leto 2010 smo Slovenijo primerjali še z 58 drugimi državami iz vsega sveta. Despite the fact that the role and influence of various types of entrepreneurship differ according to different developmental stages of economy and society, entrepreneurship remains important, because it ensures development. The study of entrepreneurship thus involves mainly the study of its fundamental driving force, i.e. entrepreneurs and their ambitions, innovativeness and entrepreneurship skills, as well as their fears and the reasons that prevent skilled individuals from embarking on entrepreneurship activities. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which has studied entrepreneurship globally since 1999, emphasises the role of individuals and builds its scientific evidence on information gathered from extensive questionnaires these individuals fill in. They live and work in different economic, social, cultural and political environments, which has an important impact on their intentions and actions, which our research activities try to identify and understand. In addition to general requirements, which foster or promote entrepreneurship in individual countries, the GEM focuses on three issues, namely the attitude towards entrepreneurship, engagement in entrepreneurship activities and entrepreneurship aspirations. In 2010, Slovenia was compared with 58 countries from around the world.


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