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Small touristic architecture on Pohorje

Authors :
Vuković, Ivana
Pogačar, Kaja
Source :
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Publisher :
I. Vuković, 2017.


V projektni nalogi je podana arhitekturna rešitev male turistične arhitekture, namenjena za razširitev namestitvenih kapacitet na Mariborskem Pohorju, na območju znanem pod imenom Bellevue. V rešitev sta vključena dva tipa počitniških hišk, trgovina s kavarno in recepcija, ki sestavljajo prostorsko urejeno turistično naselje v bližini hotela Bellevue. Rešitev je nastala na podlagi analize trendov v turizmu in referenčnih primerov v svetu in Sloveniji, raziskavi in definiranju pojmov ekološka gradnja, ekološki in trajnostni turizem, kratkem pregledu zgodovine turizma na Mariborskem Pohorja ter analizi okoliških danosti lokacije. The project assignment provides an architectural solution for a small touristic architecture, intended for the expansion of accommodation facilities on Mariborsko Pohorje, in an area known as Bellevue. The solution includes two types of holiday cabins, a shop with a café and a reception, which makes up a spatially arranged tourist resort near the Bellevue Hotel. The solution is based on the analysis of trends in tourism and an research of reference cases in the world and in Slovenia. Next basis of the assignment is a general research and defining the concepts of ecological construction, ecological and sustainable tourism. It also based on a brief overview of the history of tourism in Mariborsko Pohorje and an analysis of the surrounding conditions of the site.


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