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Razširitev JCOP OS orodij za zaklepanje in sopodpisovanje

Authors :
Tadić, Dalibor
Kokol, Peter
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
D. Tadić, 2018.


In the bachelor’s thesis, we developed and expanded tools for patching and countersigning a document. In the beginning, we made certain questions and then created a schematic representation with clear details of all the processes that are implemented. The bachelor’s thesis represents the development of a new extension of the existing tools. Each of these tools has its purpose to get to the countdown process, which we had to implement. Chips that are located on various devices (mobile devices, tablets, credit cards, etc.) need updates from time to time. However, since there is a need for the very high level of confidentiality, all the operations that could change functionality must be signed by a reliable authority. The primary purpose of these tools and the encoding capability is that the NXP does not issue updates on chips that are already in use without the knowledge of the customer. This ensures that only valid and certified updates are installed, of which the customer knows and have confirmed them with the signature. All the tools were developed in the integrated development environment of Eclipse Neon and written in the Java programming language. The final version of the tools meets the foreseen conditions that were set at the beginning of the thesis. Similarly, unit testing has shown that the functionality of these tools is correct. V diplomskem delu smo razvijali in širili orodja za krpanje in sopodpisovanje dokumentov. Na začetku smo si sestavili določena vprašanja in nato ustvarili shematski prikaz z jasnimi podrobnostmi o vseh procesih, ki se izvajajo. Diplomsko delo predstavlja razvoj novih in širjenje že obstoječih orodij. Vsako od teh orodij ima svoj namen, da pridemo do procesa sopodpisovanja, katerega smo morali implementirati. Čipi ki so na raznoraznih napravah (mobilne naprave, tablice, kreditne kartice...), potrebujejo posodobitve. Ker pa krpanje potrebuje zelo veliko stopnjo zaupnosti, je potrebno vse operacije, ki bi lahko spremenile funkcionalnost, podpisati s strani zanesljive avtoritete. Primarni namen teh orodij in možnosti sopodpisovanja je, da NXP ne izda posodobitev na že nameščenih čipih brez vednosti stranke. Tako zagotovimo, da so nameščene le veljavne in certificirane posodobitve, katere stranka pozna in jih je z podpisom potrdila. Vsa orodja so bila razvita v integriranem razvojnem okolju Eclipse Neon in napisana v programskem jeziku Java. Končna verzija orodij ustreza predvidenim pogojem, ki so bila postavljeni na začetku diplomske naloge. Prav tako je enotno testiranje pokazalo, da je funkcionalnost teh orodij pravilna.


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