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The planning of the development of the company on the level of the company policy and the strategic management

Authors :
Frece Ribič, Tamara
Belak, Jernej
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
T. Frece Ribič, 2018.


POVZETEK Podjetja delujejo v okolju, ki se nenehno spreminja ter je nepredvidljivo. Naloga politike podjetja in strateškega managementa v podjetju je, da zazna priložnosti iz zunanjega okolja ter prednosti, ki jih ima podjetje pred konkurenco ter jih tudi izkoristi in tako podjetju omogoči konkurenčno prednost. Podjetja planirajo razvoj z namenom po izboljšanju kakovosti svojih struktur in resursov. Podjetja morajo slediti svojemu razvoju in rasti ter stremeti h vedno večjemu izboljšanju samega sebe. Turizem je hitro rastoča gospodarska panoga, kjer se podjetja prav tako morajo prilagajati okolju ter v njem zaznati spremembe ob enem pa morajo podjetja v turizmu venomer raziskovati svoje konkurente, saj le-teh ni malo. Turizem je panoga, kjer morajo podjeta, ki delujejo v njem, slediti svojemu razvoju ter nenehnemu izboljšanju samega sebe, saj je konkurenčnost v tej panogi visoka. Po drugi strani pa udeleženci podjetja vedno več pričakujejo od storitev, ki jih ponuja turistična panoga. Tako se morajo podjetja prilagajati ali celo preseči konkurenco, slediti svojemu razvoju in zadovoljevati potrebe svojih udeležencev. Magistrska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu bomo opredelili planiranje razvoja na ravni politike podjetja, kjer bomo opredelili vizijo podjetja, politiko podjetja ter procese in metode planiranja na ravni politike podjetja. Prav tako bomo opredelili planiranje razvoja na ravni strateškega managementa, kjer bomo opredelili razvoj podjetja kot osrednjo strateško možnost in opredelili procese ter metode planiranja na ravni strateškega managementa. V empiričnem delu bomo proučevali slovensko podjetje Terme Čatež d.d., in njegovo razvojno možnost. S pomočjo podatkov, ki jih bomo pridobili z razvojno proučitvijo podjetja samega, bomo za na konec dodali predloge razvojne vizije, politike podjetja in strategij. ABSTRACT Companies function in a constantly changing and unpredictable environment. The company policy and strategic management´s task in the company are to detect the opportunities from the external environment and advantages the company has, from the competition and to use them as well, and in that way enable the company to have a competitive advantage. The companies plan the development with the intention of improving the quality of their structures and resources. The companies must follow their development and growth and strive to always improve themselves. Tourism is a highly growing economic branch, where the companies must adapt to the environment and detect the changes inside it and at the same continually explore their competitors since there are a lot of them. Tourism is a branch, where the companies working inside it must follow their development and always improve themselves since the competitiveness is high in this branch. On the other side, the participants in the company expect more and more from the services that touristic branch offers. In this way, the companies must adapt or even surpass the competition, follow their development and satisfy their participants' needs. The master´s thesis consists of the theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, the company policy development planning will be defined the company vision, the company policy, processes and methods of the planning on the company policy level will be defined as well. Also, the planning of the development on the strategic management level will be defined, where the company development as the central strategic option and the processes and methods on the level of strategic development will be defined. In the empirical part, the Slovene company Terme Čatež d. d. and its developing option will be studied. With the help of the data, which will be obtained with the developing examination of the company itself, the suggestions of the development vision, company policy and strategies will be added at the end.


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