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The issue of employing young women in the municipality of lukovica

Authors :
Bernot, Teja
Šprajc, Polona
Source :
Publication Year :


Živimo v 21. stoletju, ki naj bi ga zaznamovala vsesplošna enakopravnost, tudi na področju zaposlovanja. Žal temu ni tako, saj neenakosti med spoloma na trgu dela še vedno obstajajo. Razloge gre iskati v preteklosti, ko so ženske veljale za manjvredno in »slabo« delovno silo, ki jim je družba določila vlogo matere, gospodinje in šibkejšega spola. Stereotipne predstave o ženskah so se ohranile vse do danes, saj je obravnava žensk na trgu dela še vedno drugačna kot pri moških. Ženske, predvsem mlade, se namreč srečujejo z diskriminacijo v obliki »manjvredne« obravnave pri zaposlovanju, plačilu in napredovanju na delovnem mestu ter zapostavljenosti nasploh. Magistrsko delo obsega dva dela. V teoretičnem delu opredeljujemo sodobne razmere na trgu dela za »zapostavljene« skupine, tj. mlade, ženske in predvsem mlade ženske. Dotaknemo se področja prehoda iz izobraževanja v zaposlitev, položaja žensk v službi in razlogov za večjo brezposelnost žensk v primerjavi z moškimi. Poglavje sklenemo s predstavitvijo, kako se s problematiko zaposlovanja mladih žensk soočamo v Sloveniji. V raziskovalnem delu veljavnost teoretičnih spoznanj preverjamo konkretno v občini Lukovica. Zanimiva je namreč zaradi velikega deleža mladih žensk, ki so v primerjavi z ženskami na splošno zaradi mladosti še v nekoliko slabšem položaju. S preverjanjem veljavnosti zastavljenih hipotez in z iskanjem odgovorov na raziskovalna vprašanja preučujemo vpliv trajanja iskanja zaposlitve, smeri študija ter vez in poznanstev na prvo zaposlitev ter presojamo, ali je prvo zaposlitev lažje dobiti v zasebnem sektorju ali morda v javnem. Razpravljamo o vplivu izobrazbe na prvo zaposlitev, položaju mladih žensk pri iskanju prve zaposlitve in v času prve zaposlitve ter o najpogostejših razlogih za njeno prekinitev. Naše ugotovitve na primeru mladih žensk v občini Lukovica primerjamo z objavljenimi izsledki avtorjev, ki so raziskovali omenjeno problematiko. We live in the 21. century where everyone is supposed to be equal and have equal employment opportunities, but many times this is not the case. Gender inequalities are still present in the labor market. The reasons for this lie in the past, where women were considered inferior and were not treated as a good workforce. The society attributed them to the roles of mothers, housewives and weaker sex. These stereotypical perceptions, however, have to some extent persisted to this day, as the female gender is still treated differently. As a result, women, and especially younger females, face discrimination in employment, pay, promotion, and the like and are generally disadvantaged in the labor market. In the theoretical part, we define the contemporary labor market for young people, women as well as for specifically young women, where we touch on the field of transition from education to employment, the position at work and the reasons for higher unemployment in comparison with the male gender. At the end, we answer the question of how Slovenia deals with the problem of employing young women. In the research part, we focus on the area of the municipality of Lukovica, as it is interesting in terms of the large proportion of young women who often deviate from the average position of other representatives in the labor market. Using hypotheses, we want to disprove or validate the theses about how the search time, course of study and connections or acquaintances influence the acquirement of the first job, as well as whether it is easier to obtain the first job in the private sector. Finally, we answer research questions about the impact of education on first employment, the position of young women in finding their first job, as well as their position in their first job, and the most common reasons for terminating their work relationship. Responses from the municipality of Lukovica are compared with the findings of other authors who have investigated this topic.


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