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Authors :
Eržen, Klavdija
Grafenauer, Božo
Source :
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Publisher :
K. Eržen, 2013.


Inšpekcijski nadzor je nadzor nad izvajanjem oziroma spoštovanjem zakonov in drugih predpisov. Izvršujejo ga inšpektorji kot uradne osebe s posebnimi pooblastili in odgovornostmi. Inšpektorji delujejo v inšpektoratih, ki imajo status organa v sestavi ministrstva. Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije (TIRS) je inšpekcijski organ v sestavi Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo (MGRT). Pristojen je za nadzor predpisov na področjih kot so varstvo potrošnikov, varnost proizvodov, trgovina in obrt, gostinstvo in turizem, delo na črno, nelojalna konkurenca, avtorske pravice in nekaterih drugih. Tržni inšpektorji opravljajo naloge inšpekcijskega nadzora z namenom varovanja javnega interesa ter interesov pravnih in fizičnih oseb (zavezancev), in sicer na način, da pri izvrševanju svojih pooblastil v delovanje zavezancev posegajo le v obsegu, ki je nujen za zagotovitev učinkovitega inšpekcijskega nadzora. Pri izbiri ukrepov tržni inšpektorji ob upoštevanju teže kršitve izrečejo ukrep, ki je za zavezanca ugodnejši, če je s tem dosežen namen predpisa. V postopku inšpektorja ima položaj stranke zavezanec. Vlagatelj pobude, prijave, sporočila ali druge vloge nima položaja stranke. Tržni inšpektorji delujejo po Zakonu o splošnem upravnem postopku (ZUP), Zakonu o inšpekcijskem nadzoru (ZIN) in Zakonu o tržni inšpekciji (ZTI). Za inšpekcije, katerih delovanje urejajo posebni zakoni, se ZIN uporablja samo glede tistih vprašanj, ki niso urejena s posebnimi zakoni. Glede postopkovnih vprašanj, ki niso urejena z ZIN ali s posebnimi zakoni, se subsidiarno oziroma dopolnilno uporablja ZUP, ki ni prilagojen zahtevam in določenim značilnostim posebnega upravnega področja. V postopku inšpekcijskega nadzora ima pravico do vložitve pritožbe zoper odločitev inšpekcijskega organa vsaka stranka (pravna ali fizična oseba) in vsaka druga oseba, ki meni, da konkretni upravni akt inšpekcijskega organa posega v njene pravice ali pravne koristi. Druga stopnja v takšnih upravnih zadevah je MGRT. Pritožba zoper odločbo inšpektorja ne zadrži njene izvršitve, če s posebnim zakonom ni drugače določeno. Drugostopenjski organ mora odločbo o pritožbi izdati in stranki vročiti, brž ko je to mogoče, najpozneje pa v dveh mesecih od dneva prejema popolne pritožbe. Pravico do (učinkovitega) pravnega sredstva zoper odločitev upravnega organa o posameznikovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih interesih zagotavlja Ustava Republike Slovenije (25. člen). Gre za temeljno pravico vsakega posameznika. Kot eno temeljnih načel upravnega postopka jo brez dvoma lahko obravnavamo kot državljansko pravico, ki v državi odseva stopnjo demokratičnosti. Pritožba je po ZUP edino redno pravno sredstvo za varstvo formalne in materialne zakonitosti v upravnem postopku. Predstavlja zakonito možnost odprave ali spremembe izdanega konkretnega upravnega akta. Kot izraz nezadovoljstva strank ima velik pomen, saj ne zasleduje le varstva pravic strank v upravnih postopkih, temveč zagotavlja tudi notranji upravni nadzor ministrstev kot drugostopenjskih organov nad delom prvostopenjskih upravnih organov. Opozoriti je treba tudi, da možnost vložitve pritožbe pomaga omejevati samovoljno sprejemanje odločitev, ker je zakonitost odločanja tudi v javnem interesu. Če je zavezanec redno pravno sredstvo izrabil, lahko iz zakonsko določenih razlogov sproži s tožbo še upravni spor. Inspection is a control of the implementation or compliance with laws and other regulations. It is performed by inspectors acting as officials with special powers and responsibilities. Inspectors operate within inspectorates, which are bodies within ministries. The Market inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenian TIRS) is an inspectoral body within the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (Slovenian MGRT). It’s responsible for surveillance of regulations on areas such as consumer protection, product safety, trade and crafts, catering and tourism, undeclared work, unfair competition, protection of copyrights and some others. Market inspectors perform inspection duties with the purpose of protecting the public interest and the interests of legal and natural persons (the persons liable), in such a manner that, in exercising their powers, they shall interfere with the operation of the persons liable only to the extent necessary to ensure an effective inspection. In the selection of measures, market inspectors, taking into account the gravity of the violation, impose a measure more favorable to the person liable if this achieves the purpose of the regulation. In a procedure conducted by an inspector, the person liable has the position of a party. A person submitting an initiative, denunciation, communication or other application doesn’t have the position of a party. Market inspectors act under the General Administrative Procedure Act (GAPA, Slovenian ZUP), the Inspection Act (IA, Slovenian ZIN) and the Market Inspection Act (Slovenian ZTI). Inspections, regulated by separate laws, are subject to the IA only in those issues that aren’t regulated by separate laws. In the relation to procedural issues, not regulated by the IA or the separate laws, subsidiary or as a complement is applied the GAPA, that isn’t tailored to the requirements and specific characteristics of a particular administrative field. Each customer in the inspection administrative procedure (legal or natural person) and any other person who believes that a specific act of the inspectoral body intervenes into his or her rights or legal benefits and disagrees with it, is entitled to an appeal against a decision of the inspectoral body. The second instance in such administrative matters is dedicated to the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. An appeal against the decision of an inspector doesn’t stay the execution of the decision, unless otherwise determined by a separate law. The decision on the appeal must be issued and served to the customer as soon as possible but, in any case, within two months of the date on which the body received the complete appeal. The right to (efficient) legal remedy against a decision, passed by a state body, concerning an individual’s rights, duties or legal benefits, is granted by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Article 25). It’s a fundamental right of each individual. As one of the basic principles of the administrative procedure, it can, without any doubt, be treated as a civil right that reflects the level of democracy in the state. On the basis of the GAPA an appeal is the only ordinary legal remedy for protecting substantive and procedural legality in the administrative procedure. It’s a legal instrument of the annulment or change of the issued decision. As an expression of the dissatisfaction of customers it’s of a wide importance, because it isn’t only pursuing the protection of the rights of customers in the administrative procedures, but is as well assuring an internal administrative supervision of ministries as second instance bodies against the decisions of the first instance bodies. It must also be pointed out that the possibility of appeal helps to limit arbitrary decision-making, since the legality of a decision is also a matter of public interest. If the client has already used ordinary legal remedies, he has the right to initiate an administrative dispute with a lawsuit.


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