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Head injuries in the podravje region between the years 2006 to 2008 - analysis of causes and types of injuries

Authors :
Živko, Amadeja
Strojnik, Tadej
Source :
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Publisher :
A. Živko, 2012.


V prvem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljena anatomija glave in fiziologija možganov s poudarkom na fizioloških procesih v živčnem traktu. Sledi opis vrst poškodb glave, zapleti pri poškodbah glave in prognoza bolnikov s poškodbo glave. Predstavljeno je konzervativno in operativno zdravljenje poškodb glave, zdravstvena nega bolnika s poškodbo glave in njegova socialna, fizična in profesionalna rehabilitacija. V empiričnem delu je prestavljena analiza vzrokov poškodbe glave, vrst poškodb glave in primerjava poškodb in vzrokov poškodb med leti od 2006 do 2008 v Splošni bolnišnici Dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj. Najpogostejši vzrok poškodbe glave je prometna nesreča, najpogostejša vrsta poškodbe glave pa je pretres možganov. Razlike med poškodbami med leti od 2006 do 2008 obstajajo, razlike med vzroki poškodb med leti od 2006 do 2008 prav tako obstajajo. In the first part of the diploma work the anatomy of the head skeleton and the brain physiology with emphasis on physiological processes in the nerve tract have been presented. In the continuation we describe the sorts of head injuries, the complications of head injuries and the prognosis for patients with head injuries. Presented are the conservative and surgical treatment of head injuries, the patient’s medical care and the social, physical and professional rehabilitation. In the empirical part of the work there are the analysis of reasons for head injuries, the sorts of head injuries and the comparison of injuries and their reasons between the years 2006 and 2008 at the Dr. Jože Potrč General Hospital. The most frequent reason for a head injury is a car accident and the most frequent sort of a head injury is brain concussion. One can notice that in the period of time 2006-2008 there are differences between the injuries and between the reasons, as well.


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