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Analysis of marketing channels in the company Konus Konex d.o.o

Authors :
Korošec, Sašo
Završnik, Bruno
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
S. Korošec, 2019.


V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na tržne poti v proizvodnem podjetju Konus Konex d.o.o. V današnjem turbulentnem in hitro se spreminjajočem okolju morajo tržne poti slediti ciljem. Sledenje tem ciljem je za podjetja izrednega pomena, saj lahko podjetja napredujejo le takrat, ko izvajajo distribucijo svojih izdelkov in storitev. V zadnjih letih se je bistveno spremenil način poslovanja, vendar je še vedno glavna naloga podjetij zadovoljevanje potreb svojih ciljnih trgov in ustvarjanje dobička. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem so podrobno predstavljene tržne poti, vrste, pomen, funkcije, ravni, odločitve in problemi tržnih poti. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljeno podjetje Konus d.o.o., njegove poslovne značilnosti in razvoj podjetja. Predstavljeni so tudi glavni proizvodnji programi, analiza tržišč in prodajnega programa podjetja, kupci ter glavni konkurenti podjetja Konus Konex d.o.o. V zadnjem poglavju pa je predstavljena prodajna politika podjetja, posredne in neposredne tržne poti. V empiričnem delu so najprej predstavljena izhodišča za raziskavo, ki vključuje opredelitev raziskovalnega problema in namen raziskave, cilje ter raziskovalna vprašanja, predpostavke in omejitve, metode zbiranja podatkov, vzorec ter postopek zbiranja podatkov. Navedene so tudi raziskovalne hipoteze, za katere so na koncu predstavljeni rezultati. Po raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so kupci zadovoljni s proizvodi, z dobavnimi roki, s kakovostjo storitev, z izpolnjevanjem zahtev in navodil ter s komuniciranjem s servisom in z odnosom zaposlenih s strani podjetja. Le možnost nadaljnjega sodelovanja so označili kot v enakem obsegu oziroma v manjši meri s povečanjem naročil. In this thesis we focus on marketing channels in a production company. In today’s turbulent and ever-changing environment, the marketing channels have to be goal oriented. Achieving the said goals is essential for a company, because a company can only develop if it carries out a suitable distribution of its products and services. The model of operation has changed drastically over the past few years, but the main goal of companies is still to meet the needs of the market and making a profit. This thesis comprises of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part contains detailed presentations of marketing channels, their types, meanings, function levels, decisions and the problems in regards to these channels. In chapter three we take a closer look at the company Konus Konex d.o.o., its business characteristics and development. We also take a look at the company’s manufacturing programme, analysis of its markets, sales programme, its buyers and main competitors. In the final chapter we take a look at the merchandising and the direct and indirect marketing channels. In the empirical part of the thesis we first introduce the starting points for our research – this includes the definition of the research problem, the purpose of our research, determination of our goals, research questions, assumptions, restrictions and also a presentation of the methods of data gathering, sample and the process of data gathering. This part also includes research hypotheses and their eventual results. Through our research we established that the buyers are satisfied with the products, the delivery times, quality of the services, with the manner in which the company complies with the demands and instructions of the buyer, and with the communication and the attitude displayed by the employees of the company. The buyers did state, however, that further cooperation with the company would take place with the same amount of orders, or, in fewer cases, with a minor increase of orders.


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