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Authors :
Zorman, Nina
Ivanišin, Marko
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
N. Zorman, 2013.


V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na strategije, načine in taktike, kako v času krize uspešno komunicirati z javnostmi. Analizirali smo krizno komuniciranje v primerih suma zdravstvene napake v dveh zdravstvenih ustanovah v Podravju – Zdravstvenem domu Lenart in Splošni bolnišnici dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj. Na podlagi preučene teorije, informacij, ki smo jih pridobili z intervjujem, medijske analize in s pomočjo javno dostopnih podatkov smo ugotavljali, kako je vodstvo komuniciralo v kriznih razmerah. Preučili smo posamezne korake v fazah krize, ugotavljali, kako hitro so se odzvali, ali so pripravili verodostojna sporočila za javnost, katera komunikacijska orodja so izbrali itd. Diplomsko delo smo zaokrožili z ugotovitvami, kaj je bilo v posameznem primeru narejeno v skladu s teorijo in je zato uspešno in kaj ne. In the diploma thesis we focused on the strategies, methods and tactics of how to successfully communicate with the public in times of crisis. We analyzed two cases of suspicious health mistakes in two health-care facilities, namely the health center Lenart and the general hospital Ptuj in the Podravje region. Based on the studied theoretical basis, the information which we got from the interview, the media analysis and with the help of publicly accessible data, we analyzed how the two institutions communicated in crisis circumstances. We examined each step in the stages of analysis and we tried to determine how quickly they reacted in crisis circumstances, if they prepared reliable and decent press releases, which communication tool they chose and how successful they were. We looked carefully into individual steps within phases of development of a crisis and supported them with studied theory. We finished the thesis with the findings of what was successful and what was not so good.


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