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Authors :
Peček, Anja
Jagrič, Vita
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Peček, 2014.


Evropske države so v obdobju dolžniške krize začele pospešeno izdajati dolžniške vrednostne papirje. Italija, Slovenija in Hrvaška so v času finančne in gospodarske krize z emisijo obveznic prišle do finančnih virov. S temi viri so pokrile primanjkljaj v proračunu in skušale zmanjšati višino javnega dolga z odplačilom obresti. V diplomskem seminarju tako podrobneje analiziramo tekočo donosnost in donosnost do dospetja, ki kaže na stroške zadolževanja omenjenih držav. Bonitetne agencije s svojim delovanjem vplivajo na vlagatelje, ki zahtevajo primerno stopnjo donosa za obveznico, v katero so investirali sredstva. V obdobju današnje krize so bonitetne hiše veliko pripomogle k zaostreni situaciji v državah, saj sta Slovenija in Hrvaška v določenem trenutku doživeli večkratno spremembo kreditne ocene, kar je sprožilo paniko na finančnih trgih. Tako Italija in Slovenija sta doživljali pretrese zaradi slabega delovanja na političnem področju. Vlagatelji so kljub enakim problemom investirali sredstva v italijanske obveznice, k čemur je pripomogla tudi Evropska centralna banka s svojimi ukrepi. Over the period of the debt crisis European countries started to issue the debt securities. Italy, Slovenia and Croatia are in a time of financial and economic crisis came to financial resources to cover the deficit in the budget by the issue of state bonds. In the graduate seminar we focused our analyze on the current yield and yield to maturity, which influence the borrowing costs of chosen countries. Credit rating agencies with theirs activities affect investors, which require an appropriate rate of bonds in which they were to invest their assets. During the present crisis, the credit rating agencies contribute a lot to the tight situation in countries such as Slovenia and Croatia, that are given moment experienced repeated change in the credit ratings, which triggered panic in the financial markets. Italy and Slovenia did also experienced shocks because of a malfunction in the political field. Investors did despite the same problems invest their assets in Italian bonds, due to the fact that European Central Bank subject Italy to strict austerity measures.


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