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Analysis of finantial from the RDP measure intended for the setting up of young farmers

Authors :
Krenker, Aleš
Janžekovič, Marjan
Source :
Publication Year :


Namen naloge je bil narediti analizo porabe pridobljenih sredstev na razpisu iz ukrepa 112: Pomoč mladim prevzemnikom kmetij (Program razvoja podeželja 2007–2013) in podukrepa 6.1: Pomoč za zagon dejavnosti za mlade kmete (Program razvoja podeželja 2014–2020), na območju Kmetijsko gozdarskega zavoda Celje, med leti 2007–2015. Naredili smo pregled števila mladih prevzemnikov po razpisih (letih) ter zavodih. V teh letih je bilo na območju KGZS – Zavoda Celje 794 mladih prevzemnikov, največ iz občine Šentjur. Pridobljene podatke iz anketnega vprašalnika smo s pomočjo opisne statistike preučili in analizirali. Kot smo pričakovali, so mladi prevzemniki največ sredstev s 34,49 % vložili v nakup kmetijske mehanizacije in strojne opreme, takoj za tem pa z 31,08 % za naložbe v hleve in pripadajočo opremo. S Kendallovim korelacijskim koeficientom in Hi-kvadrat testom smo testirali povezanost ordinalnih (»št. delovno aktivnih« ter »ocena NETO dohodka«) in nominalnih (»socio-ekonomski tip«) spremenljivk. Z neparametrično korelacijo, izračunano s Kendallovim korelacijskim koeficentom med ordinalnima spremenljivkama, nismo ugotovili povezanosti. S hi-kvadrat testom smo izračunali, da ni povezanosti med ordinalnimi in nominalnimi spremenljivkami.. Smo pa ugotovili, da je »socio-ekonomski tip« povezan z »oceno NETO dohodka«. The purpose of the thesis was to do an analysis of fund spending aquired from the 112 measure: Setting up of young farmers (Rural Development Programme 2007-2013) and the 6.1 submeasure: Business start-up aid for young farmers (Rural Development Programme 2014-2020), in the area of the Agricultural and Forestry Station Celje between 2007-2015. An overview of the number of young transferees by tender (years) and stations was carried out. In these years, there were 794 young transferees in the area of the KGZS (Celje Station), most of them from the Šentjur municipality. The obtained data from the survey questionnaire was examined and analyzed using descriptive statistics. As expected, the young transferees spent the most funds (34.49%) on the purchase of agricultural machinery and hardware, 31.08% were spent on investments in stables and related equipment. The correlation between ordinal ("no. of active workers" and "estimated NET income") and the nominal ("socio-economic type") variables were tested with Kendall's correlation coefficient and the Hi-square test. The correlation between the ordinal variables with nonparametric correlation, calculated with Kendall's correlation coefficient was not found. Using the hi-square test, we found that there is no correlation between the "socio-economic type" and "no. of working people". However, we found a correlation between "socio-economic type" and "estimated NET income".


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