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Multiannual comparison of sales performance and customer satisfaction in the company ajm okna-vrata-senčila d.o.o

Authors :
Hriberšek, Aljaž
Selinšek, Aleksandra
Source :
Lovrenc na Pohorju
Publication Year :
Publisher :
A. Hriberšek, 2018.


Zadovoljstvo odjemalcev s storitvami in izdelki je ena izmed ključnih točk, na katera se podjetja v današnjem času visoke konkurenčnosti morajo osredotočiti. Brez zadovoljnih kupcev ni možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj ali napredek nekega podjetja. Zadovoljstvo so avtorji Anderson (et al, 1994, str. 53) definirali kot ponakupno ovrednotenje kakovosti in vrednosti, ki jo je odjemalec dobil z nakupom posameznega izdelka oziroma storitve v primerjavi s tem, kaj je pričakoval. AJM okna-vrata-senčila, d. o. o., je podjetje, ki se že vrsto let osredotoča na zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, skrbi za ponakupne aktivnosti in presečno (na letni ravni) analizira zadovoljstvo odjemalcev. Podjetje se zaveda, da zaradi svoje specifičnosti odjemalcem nudi svoj izdelek, hkrati pa tudi storitev (montažo in popravila), zato je skrbna analiza vidikov zadovoljstva še toliko bolj pomembna. V nalogi smo s pomočjo znanstvene in strokovne literature preučili zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, torej glavne karakteristike in aspekte ter ugotavljali, kako je njihovo zadovoljstvo povezano s prodajno uspešnostjo samega podjetja. Analiza zadovoljstva odjemalcev kaže, da je v vseh vidikih skozi vsa leta zadovoljstvo odjemalcev zelo visoko, saj je na lestvici od 1 do 5 v vseh vidikih povprečje nad vrednostjo 4. Ugotovimo lahko, da so kupci v letu 2016 izrazili najvišjo stopnjo zadovoljstva glede na preučevana leta, vendar o statistično značilnem odstopanju ne moremo govoriti. Preverili smo tudi povezanost zadovoljstva kupcev z deležem kupcev, ki so prišli do podjetja preko priporočila in ugotovili, da na našem vzorcu ne obstajajo statistično značilne povezave. Rezultati prav tako kažejo, da so bili kupci v letu 2016 najbolj zadovoljni z izdelki in monterji, sledi pa zadovoljstvo z oddelki in službami. Rezultati kažejo, da med različnimi vidiki zadovoljstva odjemalcev in kazalniki uspešnosti podjetja ne obstajajo statistično značilne povezave. Ugotavljamo, da se je sicer med leti 2012 in 2016 povišal predvsem dobiček, promet je nekoliko padel, prav tako število izdanih faktur. Osrednji odprt problem raziskovanja zadovoljstva kupcev pri preučevanem podjetju je z vidika ugotovitev te naloge predvsem metodološki. Anketni vprašalnik, ki ga podjetje uporablja za merjenje zadovoljstva kupcev, ni metodološko verificiran, zato je pomembna previdnost pri interpretaciji rezultatov. V zvezi z vsebinskimi vidikom ugotavljamo, da so ocene zadovoljstva kupcev visoke z vsemi aspekti: kakovostjo izdelkov, storitev in osebja. The satisfaction of customers with services and products is one of the key concerns on which companies in today's high-competitive market need to focus on. Without satisfied customers there is no possibility for further development or progress of a company. Anderson (et al, 1994, p. 53) defined the satisfaction as an evaluation of the quality and value that the customer obtained by purchasing a particular product or service in comparison with what he expected. AJM okna-vrata-senčila, d. o. o. is a company that has been focusing on customers' satisfaction for many years, provides after-sales activities and analyses customer satisfaction annually. The company is aware that due to its specificity offers its customers products as well as services (installation and repair) and a careful analysis of customers' satisfaction is all the more important. With the help of scientific and professional literature we examined the main characteristics and aspects of the satisfaction of customers and how their satisfaction relates to the sales performance of the company itself. Customer satisfaction analysis shows that customer satisfaction is high in all aspects over all years on a scale from 1 to 5 in all aspects the average value is above 4. It can be concluded that in 2016 the customers expressed the highest satisfaction across the years studied, but we can not speak of a statistically significant deviation. We checked the correlation of customer satisfaction with the share of customers who came to the company through the recommendation and found that there are no statistically significant links on our sample. The results also show that customers were most satisfied with products and installers in 2016, followed by satisfaction with departments and services. The results show that there are no statistically significant links between different aspects of customer satisfaction and company performance indicators. Between the years 2012 and 2016 we found increase in profit, slight drop in traffic as well as the number of issued invoices. The main open problem of researching customer satisfaction with the company studied is primarily methodological in terms of the findings of this thesis. The survey used by the company to measure customer satisfaction is not methodologically verified, therefore it is important to be careful when interpreting the results. We find that customer satisfaction is high in all aspects: the quality of products, services and staff.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Lovrenc na Pohorju
Accession number :