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Users´ satisfaction with health services at the secondary healthcare level

Authors :
Gorenjak, Zdenka
Lorber, Mateja
Source :
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Z. Gorenjak, 2019.


Izhodišča: Zadovoljstvo je čustveni odziv na uporabnikovo izkušnjo s storitvijo. Razvije se kot posledica primerjave predhodnih pričakovanj in doživete izkušnje. Občutek zadovoljstva je izrazito subjektiven in ima tako čustvene kot kognitivne vzroke. Namen raziskave je bil pridobiti vpogled v zadovoljstvo uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev sekundarne ravni in identificirati področja, kjer obstaja možnost za izboljšave. Raziskovalna metodologija V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja z metodo anketiranja z vprašalnikom zaprtega tipa. Vprašalnik je obsegal tri demografska vprašanja in vprašanja o izkušnji hospitalizacije po petih kategorijah: sprejem v bolnišnico, odnos zdravnikov, odnos medicinskih sester, zdravje pacienta, bolnišnično okolje, odpust iz bolnišnice in ocena splošnega zadovoljstva. Anketirali smo 100 pacientov v neslučajnem namenskem vzorcu populacije. Uporabili smo statistične teste: parni t-test, Spearmanov koeficient korelacije, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann Whitney test, Levenov test enakosti varianc in test ANOVA. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da so pacienti zadovoljni z zdravstvenimi storitvami in bi sodelujočo bolnišnico tudi priporočili svojim prijateljem. Povprečna ocena splošnega zadovoljstva uporabnikov je 3,82. Rezultati kažejo statistično pomembno razliko v oceni odnosa medicinskih sester in zdravnikov (t = -10,21 p < 0,001). Obstaja statistično pomembna povezava (r = 0,423 p < 0,001) med hitrostjo obravnave in splošnim zadovoljstvom uporabnikov. Glede na spol (Z = -3,373 p = 0,709) in starost (F = 1,564 p = 0,167) pa statistično pomembne razlike v splošnem zadovoljstvu niso bile ugotovljene. Diskusija in zaključek: Ankete o zadovoljstvu pacientov omogočajo vpogled v pacientovo oceno o našem delu. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so pacienti najpogosteje nezadovoljni, če jih ne poslušamo, jim namenimo premalo časa in jim ne posredujemo informacij na dovolj razumljiv način. Introduction: Satisfaction is an emotional reaction to a customer’s experience with the service. It develops as a consequence of comparing the expectations and the actual experience. A feeling of satisfaction is pronouncedly subjective and has emotional and cognitive roots. The goal of our research was to gain insight into patient satisfaction with health care services on the secondary level of health care and to identify areas with possibilities for improvement. Research methodology: For the theoretical part, we used the method of description with the analysis of domestic and foreign literature. For the empiric part of the master’s thesis, we used quantitative research via the method of closed question survey. The questionnaire contained three demographic questions and questions about patient satisfaction in five categories: admission to the hospital, relationship with nurses, relationship with doctors, their health, hospital environment, discharge from the hospital, and general satisfaction. We surveyed 100 patients in a non-random intentional sample. We used the following statistical tests: the paired t-test, the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Mann Whitney test, the Levene´s test of variances, and the ANOVA test. Results: The study included 100 patients: 38 % male and 62 % female. The results showed that patients are generally satisfied with healthcare services in the participating hospital and would recommend it to their friends. The average score in general satisfaction is 3.82. Patients reported the lowest satisfaction levels in the category of sidelining the patient in a conversation. The average score is 2.51 for doctors and 2.44 for nurses. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the patient relationship with nurses and doctors (p


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