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Authors :
Hajdinjak, Davor
Brumen, Boštjan
Source :
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Publisher :
D. Hajdinjak, 2013.


V diplomskem delu smo predstavili analizo internetnih varnostnih incidentov v letu 2012. Analizirali smo ranljivosti, ki jih je objavil ameriški center za posredovanje pri internetnih incidentih US-CERT. Na podlagi posameznega vnosa o določeni ranljivosti, smo možne incidente razvrščali v smiselno določene kategorije. Vsaka kategorija predstavlja svojo vrsto incidentov, ki smo jih tudi opisno predstavili. Končne rezultate analize smo predstavili s pomočjo grafičnih prikazov, na katerih so temeljile naše obrazložitve. Obrazložili smo glavne ugotovitve in zanimivosti, ki so bile značilne za incidente v letu 2012. Na podlagi rezultatov analize, smo ugotovili, katere vrste incidentov so bile v letu 2012 najpogostejše in kateri meseci najaktivnejši. The diploma thesis provides an analysis of internet security incidents that occurred in 2012. We have made an analysis of the vulnerabilities as published by US-CERT, the American response centre for internet incidents. Potential incidents were grouped under logical categories based on individual vulnerability entries. Each category represents a specific incident type, all of which are described in the diploma thesis. The end results of the analysis were presented by a graphical depiction illustrating our explanations. We have explained the main findings and peculiarities associated with the incidents that occurred in 2012. Based on the results of the analysis, we were thus able to determine which types of incidents were most frequent in 2012 as well as months with the greatest activity.


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